The Pebble Won't be Home for Christmas - Make: The Pebble Won't be Home for Christmas - Make:

The Pebble Won’t be Home for Christmas

The Pebble Won’t be Home for Christmas


The cautionary tale of the Pebble smartwatch grows a bit longer.  The Pebble, a Kickstarter star that raised $10 million from backers, won’t ship by Christmas. The new ship date: “soon.”

Here’s part of Pebble’s message to backers:

Unfortunately we will not be able to ship out Pebble in time for the holidays. As a tiny act of compensation, we’d like to offer you this little holiday card. I know it’s not a Pebble, but I do hope that you can tell from these updates that we’re quickly moving towards the moment when Pebble will finally be on your wrist.

Any thoughts, Pebble backers?

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Stett Holbrook is editor of the Bohemian, an alternative weekly in Santa Rosa, California. He is a former senior editor at Maker Media.

He is also the co-creator of Food Forward, a documentary TV series for PBS about the innovators and pioneers changing our food system.

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