I’m assembling a collection of gadgets and gizmos to exhibit at the AS220 Fools Ball (Providence RI, Saturday June 28, 8pm), and I knew the YBox2 had to be part of it. But I’m lazy and in a hurry, so instead of writing some a new widget in Spin, I wrote a fresh backend for the infowidget that comes with the YBox2.
If you’ve got a YBox2, you can point your infowidget at it for your own dashboard. The picture below shows the configuration for the widget. To change the configuration, you’ll need to visit your YBox2 in a web browser while the widget is running it. Then, set the following and press Submit:
Server Host: www.jepstone.net
Server Path: /prop/hello.cgi?q=TAG
Server Address:
Be sure to replace TAG with whatever search term you want to use. The hello.cgi backend will list how many flickr photos have that tag, return the latest Twitter tweet (via Summize) with that term in it, and also use Technorati to find the latest blog post with that tag. Pick your tags carefully because the results can be funny sometimes.
If you have a web server where you can run Perl scripts, please grab the source code and host a copy of your own. You’ll need to provide your Technorati API key and Flickr API key to make it work (edit the hello.cgi file and look for “CHANGE ME”).
YBox2 Kit – DIY Set-top box