Extract from Make Me I’m Yours…Just For Fun available at www.RUCraft.co.uk
You can never have too many picture fames and with these little fabric-covered frames even the smallest snapshots can be beautifully displayed. Be bold with your choice of main patterned print and select simple coordinating fabrics. Pulp board picture frame blanks available from many craft stores and make the perfect base.
Project Steps
Use a craft knife to cut around the sides and bottom of the frame to separate the back panel if necessary. Cut a piece of fabric larger than the frame and draw around the frame on to this farbic using a vanishing marker.
When using bold print fabric, decorate by adding seed beads and sequins, stitching them around the area that will cover the frame.
Draw a cross in the centre of the fabric, to mark out the frame window. Cut diagonally from corner to corner to leave four triangular flaps. Use double-sided tape to stick the fabric to the frame. Fold the overhanging fabric over the edges to the back of the frame and secure with tape.
Cover the inside edges of the frame with ribbon to hide any raw edges at the inside seam. Cut out a piece of coordinating printed paper and stick on the back panel using a glue stick.
Use bold printed fabric to make yo-yos for your frame. If you don’t have a yo-yo maker, cut a circle of fabric about 20.3cm (8in) in diameter. Fold the edge over by 6mm (1/4in) and sew a running stitch around the circle. Pull the thread to gather up the edge and secure with a small stitch. Press flat with an iron.
Stick the front of the frame to the back along the side and bottom edges using either strong glue or double-sided tape. Arrange three yo-yos in the bottom corner of the frame and secure in place with double sided tape.