For this project I’m going to share how to build a Raspberry Pi-based kiosk that will show how many ‘Likes’ your Facebook page has. When you get a new Like it will show you and alert you with a sound.
I won’t cover setting up a Raspberry Pi from scratch, but I recommend you read the book “Getting Started With Raspberry Pi” by Matt Richardson and Shawn Wallace.
How does it all work?
The kiosk project is running a web server on the Raspberry Pi, as well as a web browser which loads a locally hosted web site. The web browser will reload the page every 10 seconds, and if your page gets a new Like, you’ll see the number increase. There’s one more fun feature, and that’s the addition of a sound effect when you get a new Like. This can be a nice thing to display at your business or an event so people can interact with it.
You will want to make sure your Raspberry Pi boots up into the desktop environment, as you’ll need to have it fire up a browser automatically at each reboot.
For this example, I’ll use the Facebook page of Milwaukee Makerspace, but obviously you can change that to point at whatever Facebook page you prefer.
(You can download the project files to follow along.)