Noah is a engineer-turned-data-analyst by day and maker by night and weekend. He makes furniture and other wood things by hand and with his homemade CNC router.
Total size is about 7′ x 4′. Fifteen species of wood were used: oak (red & white), birch, ash, poplar, walnut, maple, butternut, cherry, cedar, mahogany (African and Honduran), pine, and two mystery woods.Read articles from the magazine right here on Make:. Don’t have a subscription yet? Get one today.
A few months ago I decided to make a topographic map of the United States out of wood to hang on my wall using a CNC router and various pieces of free software (USGS data, QGIS, MeshLab) and Autodesk Fusion 360.
The end result is about 7 feet wide, 4 feet tall, and sticks out from the wall by about 3.5 inches. It uses 15 species of wood: oak (red & white), birch, ash, poplar, walnut, maple, butternut, cherry, cedar, mahogany (African and Honduran), pine, and two mystery woods. It was all cut on my homemade CNC router using leftover wood from other projects, and took about 200 hours of total time (generating models, CAM programming, prepping stock, cutting, fitting, and finishing).
Alaska and Hawaii are not quite where they actually belong. It had to fit in the room, after all.
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