This is my handmade Judy Jetson Halloween costume for 2011. It cost me $8 (plus maybe another $8 for the tutu that I had already made eariler in the year) and it took just a few days to make. I also upcycled cardboard boxes and a notebook cover to make a few parts of it. I love handmade so, of course, I LOVE Halloween. I call it Handmade Halloween now because I always take time to make a cool costume.
Project Steps
Full costume

I made both the skirt and top to be worn again as everyday wear.
I used a pattern for a summer top and modified it by cropping it and adding a thick band on the bottom and half way around the sleeves instead of hemming as the pattern suggested.
Pockets on skirt
The skirt looks less cartoonish when worn without the tutu underneath and it can be worn in everyday life. I used a twill material that I would want to wear again and I added pockets to make it functional.
Costume shown with under-skirt tutu
The skirt weighs it down a bit but the tutu has many layers and sticks almost straight out when fully poofed (the giant skirt was my favorite part!).
The Jetsons pin
I made the Jetsons pin out of a notebook cover.
My favorite part was that even after I told people that I made the costume many said, “Yeah, but where did you get the pin?” I had to tell them that I made it ALL!
I printed two copies of the logo and attached them to a piece of cardboard from an old notebook cover. From one I cut out just the letters, and from the other I cut out just the outline. I added Dimensional Magic to both the letters and the background/outline cutout. After they dried I glued them on top of each other and added a pin back.
On the back of the Jetsons pin, you can see what used to be the front of the notebook.
Back of the triangle collar
I used a Diet Coke box covered with fabric for the collar and left the back uncovered so that I could show people.
The Jetsons family.
I am the daughter, Judy, on the right.
I used my imagination with the hair (since I think hair paint and costume-store wigs look cheap). I put my hair up in a fountain-style pony tail on top of my head and pinned my bangs in a poof in front.