The typical equipment for this game is four wooden sticks, racers, and the game board. This version of the game is made of paper. There are paper templates in the attached documents.
Project Steps
Print the PDF files PrintVersionYutBoard.pdf and PrintVersionInside.pdf. (Or, if possible, you can print YutGameBoard.pdf instead. It’s 36cmX36cm size. But it’s not for a kit version.)
Cut out each part.
I prefer printing on slightly stiff paper or card stock instead of regular paper.
Attach two pieces of the game board together using double-sided tape.
Assemble the rest of the game board in the same way.
Place the printed copy of PrintVersionInside.pdf on the game board.
Then, fold the game board.
Cover with paper and attach the sticker to the center of the paper.
To make the game kit, first unfold the kit.
Cut the all the sticks, racers, and racers’ stands.
To make the sticks, fold the each part.
Attach the long side of the stick using double sided tape.
Put glue on the tip of the stick.
This part can be a bit challenging. Once you have applied the glue, put your thumb on the end of the stick and push it in as shown.
You can also carefully hit the tip of the stick on the table to push the end in.
Fold a racer in half.
Fold a racer’s stand as shown.
Cut a small slit in the middle of the stand.
Insert the racer in the middle of the stand.
You’re done. Now, the game is ready to play.
Instructions for playing this game are included in PrintVersionInside.pdf.
Enjoy the game!