Once you have all the materials, you are ready to start cutting out the pieces of the box. First, stack the contents of the box set together. This will let you see how big the inside of the box needs to be. You can either measure the dimensions of the collection or you can just trace them onto the cardboard.
I stacked four volumes of my magazine. I positioned them in one corner of the book cover and traced the outline with a pencil. Next, I turned the stack of magazines on its side and traced the outline of this side. Do this for the sides, top, bottom, and back of the collection. The spines will be visible so you don’t need to make a piece for the spine side.
Remember that the sides of the box need to be larger than the sides of the contents. So you need to make a second outline of each section that is a little wider than the traced outline. Add about the thickness of the cardboard to each side; this is what you will actually cut out. To avoid confusion, you might want to erase the inner outlines.