This origami model is from my book Origami Games, published in June 2010 by Tuttle. The diagrams utilize the standard origami symbols, which are explained in the first part of the book.
The book contains directions for making 21 different origami models, and describes 22 games–both competitive and collaborative–that can be played with them. The models are all made from regular printer paper (8 1/2 x 11 inches).
So many children have become addicted to technology, and have lost the ability and desire to make things themselves, and to use their imagination. Part of my intent with the book was to provide a hands-on, low-tech activity for parents to do with their children. Further, the cost of these games is negligible, which can be an important factor for families in these tough economic times.
Project Steps
Start with a sheet of letter-size paper (8 1/2 x 11). Fold the left edge to the right and unfold.
Fold the left and right edges to the center.
Beginning the crease at the top left corner, fold the top right corner to the center.
Fold the upper left corner down to lie along the right edge, creasing along the lower edge of the flap made in step 3.
Fold the upper right corner down to lie along the left edge, creasing along the lower edge of the triangle.
Fold the bottom portion of the model up along the lower edge of the triangle.
Unfold to step 3.
Repeat steps 3-6, this time beginning the crease at the top right corner, folding down the top left corner to the center. Then unfold to step 3.
Press the shaded areas together, creasing along the indicated fold lines. Then lay the resulting flap over to the right.
Repeat step 9 with the lower portion of the model, bringing the shaded areas together, and laying the resulting flap over to the left.
Lift and squash the lower flap along the indicated crease lines.
Fold the right side over to the left.
Lift and squash the upper flap along the indicated crease lines.
Fold the left side over to the right.
Lift doubled flaps A and B up so they stand up at 90° from the plane of the model. Rotate the model 1/4 turn.
Here is a view showing the model in perspective. Lift doubled flap A and place it entirely between the two flaps of B.
Place flap X inside the pocket indicated. Repeat behind.
Fold the protruding triangular flaps down, one on each side.
Fold the tip of the triangular flap downward to completely lock the handle. Repeat behind.
Here is the result. Turn the model over.
Reinforce all creases passing through the center with mountain folds. This makes the model spin better. Turn the model back over.
Number each of the six triangles to complete your spinner.
The completed Spinner