HowStuffWorks has a great article on how LRAD works –“In November of 2005, pirates attacked a cruise ship off the coast of Somalia. The pirates had machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades. But the cruise ship had a Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD), which was credited with driving the pirates away by firing a beam of sound. Learn what makes sound a weapon and explore other uses for the LRAD.” – Link.
Pictured here, Woody Norris with his LRAD from MAKE 05.
- Woody’s World– A Q&A with the inventor of a pirate- scaring noisemaker, a helicopter for every garage, and a way to hack gravity itself. From William Lidwell’s article “Woody Norris is standing 50 feet away from me, pointing a menacing-looking sci-fi contraption at my head. We’re in the back lot of his American Technology Corporation in San Diego, Calif. Woody’s device is called the LRAD (for Long Range Acoustic Device). It looks something like a big spotlight, the main difference being that it projects sound instead of light. Woody yells to me, “We are going to start with some music. This is really cool!”… MAKE 05 – Page 30.
- More from Woody Norris – In this exclusive web extra, the conversation with Norris continues. Learn Norris’ views on inspiring creativity, selling yourself along with your inventions, learning when to quit, and why inventors shouldn’t be afraid someone will steal their idea – PDF.