Bathsheba sculptures

Craft & Design
Bathsheba sculptures

Quintron 3
We’ve covered Bathsheba Grossman’s amazing 3D/geometric artwork in our book Makers, Maker Faire and here on MAKE so it was a delight to see her latest works are now being sold in Edmund Scientifics. Congrats Bathsheba!

Astronomy star and science crystals at Scientifics – Link.

Make Podcast: Bathsheba Grossman’s geometric art – Link.

Maker of the day – Bathsheba Grossman, 3D sculptures … – Link.

 Blog Makers-1
Makers, a beautiful hardbound book celebrating DIY inspiration and the people behind the projects. Makers introduces you to a brigade of citizen engineers making their own cameras, clocks, airplanes, submarines, musical instruments, weapons, medical equipment, energy- saving devices, robots, and houses. They create their own tools to explore the outer atmosphere, the deep sea, and the behavior of tiny flies in their backyard. – Link & get it at the Maker store.

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