Pinball Restoration Revival
Wormhole players and collectors come together around pinball tournaments and keeping machines running. See the finer points of pinball restoration.
Wormhole players and collectors come together around pinball tournaments and keeping machines running. See the finer points of pinball restoration.
When you’re given a creative engineering job with a super limited timeline and budget, here’s how to stay on track and avoid feature creep.
Hamza Mahmoud is a 16-year-old maker from Cairo who builds engaging electronic toys and games out of simple, accessible materials.
Ellie Weinstein founded Cocoa Press, a company that manufactures printers that 3D print chocolate.
Crunch Labs inventors shared insights on toy design and how they take ideas from concepts to finished, factory-fabricated products.
Try on any outfit and reduce fashion waste with Wear It’s generative AI.
Lydia Cline discusses how to get started with a printer and software for creating your own designs at Maker Faire Bay Area.