DIY: Halloween Graveyard Fence - Make: DIY: Halloween Graveyard Fence - Make:

DIY: Halloween Graveyard Fence

DIY: Halloween Graveyard Fence

Is your lawn is filled with lots of Halloween decorations? Yes! Well, how about making a skull-topped fence to keep the kiddies off? Check out the website for the complete build instructions.

We built the fence in standard sections of 8 feet wide. The finished height is a bit over 5 feet. Each section has two horizontal pieces made from 1×2 lumber, and space for 13 vertical pieces made from 1/2-inch PVC pipe, at 8-inch intervals.

More about making a Halloween Graveyard Fence

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It’s here!! DIY HALLOWEEN 2007 from the editors of MAKE and CRAFT brings you 40-plus DIY projects for the holiday that’s made for makers. From the craftiest costumes to amazing animated props and the latest in computer-controlled haunted house effects – Link.

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