Giant RC plane runs on a Weed Wacker motor - Make: Giant RC plane runs on a Weed Wacker motor - Make:

Giant RC plane runs on a Weed Wacker motor

Fun & Games Technology
Giant RC plane runs on a Weed Wacker motor

Instructables member nickademuss shows us how to make an RC plane with an 8 foot wingspan out of corrugated plastic and a 25cc Weed Wacker engine.

I love Radio controlled airplanes and have built several kinds from balsa to this large scale plastic one. This one is made from $25.00 worth of plastic I bought locally at a sign company. The plastic is Coroplast or corrugated plastic, its cheap and builds fast. You could also use old election signs, you just need to paint them or make a patchwork airplane. Total cost with radio and motor was around 350 bucks.

Anyone have any post-election yard signs lying about?

8 Ft Wingspan Coroplast RC Piper Cub flown by 25cc Weed Wacker Motor

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