Garrett Wade tool giveaway time!

Garrett Wade tool giveaway time!


Ok, we admit it, we’re tool junkies. Some people have it for gadgets, but who can resist a great-looking (and great-functioning) hand tool? Make: Online and Garrett Wade would like to give you some.


The Garrett Wade Push Drill is a special tool that drills holes by rotating as you push down on the handle. When you release, the handle springs back, clearing the hole. From the product description:

Remember the classic Yankee Push Drill that was once found in every shop and every jobsite tool bag? Made by Stanley for decades until they dropped it about 4 years ago, it was made of chrome-plated solid brass, and beautifully finished. Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan.


Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:”

These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade screwdrivers that serve equally well in turning screws, prying stuff, and, you know, killing people who try to open your hatch. They’re heavy and nigh indestructible, and they have an anomalously sleek, streamlined shape that feels great in your hand and is not bad looking in your boot, either.

And you can win one of these Garrett Wade tools! Just leave a comment on this post and tell us how these tools would help you complete a project you’re working on, or one you’ve yet to start! Please be sure to include your email address in the comment form field (won’t be published). All comments will be closed at noon PST on Wednesday, September 30, and the two lucky winners will be announced next week here on Make: Online. Good luck!

331 thoughts on “Garrett Wade tool giveaway time!

  1. zack franklin says:

    I am working on a project at school (an servo controlled 360* panoramic medium format camera) and the drill would be great to work on the body of the camera; as powered drills do not get along well with the wood that the camera body is made out of.

  2. Derek says:

    What project wouldn’t be helped by a full-tang screwdriver set. Glorious.

  3. Odin84gk says:

    I’m working on a no-impact treehouse at a boy scout camping grounds. I’m trying to build it without power tools, and the drilling is by far the hardest part of the project. This would greatly improve the quality and speed of the build.

  4. ppafford says:

    Wow full-tang!!! would use on all my project just for enjoyment :)

  5. says:

    I could really use the push drill to drive small bits into some wood trim that doesn’t work so well with my power drill. I need pilot holes so that I don’t split the wood when nailing.

  6. Bill D says:

    There have been a good number of times where i am drilling, and my cheap cordless drill’s battery goes dead well before i’m finished. The push drill looks like a good alternative to have next time i go to my parents house to work on whatever they need done.

  7. Dan Catchpole says:

    I’d love to use these on the custom home office desk I’ve been planning, including a custom dock for all of my assorted peripherals, custom cabling channels, etc, not to mention that the tools themselves look gorgeous.

  8. Corbin says:

    These would really help with some projects I am doing with my daughter this year in her homeschooling. Especially the push drill!

    Corbin Baird

  9. jeff2010 says:

    These would be great for my next computer build!

  10. Chris R says:

    besides being useful to have on hand, these seem like good gift ideas

  11. Jennifer says:

    I’m gearing up to build a tiny tumbleweed and need some tools to help me get from here to home! These are functional and beautiful. Just like my home will be with their help!

  12. cairn says:

    I’ve been looking for a well made push drill for a while. I used them in university for small metalworking jobs and they’re very easy to control when making small to medium holes that must be clean. I pre-ordered the Chumby parts kit from the maker shed and my next project is going to be a custom wood and metal enclosure with room for some extra Arduino-controlled electronics (think moving and talking robotic Chumby that will live in my office; awesome). The push drill would definitely help in this project as I plan to have a number of hand riveted aluminum plates for which clean matching holes must be drilled.

  13. Casey Ertz says:

    I am a new father and I am accumulating a set of quality hand tools that I can pass along to my child–just as my father did for me and my grandfather did for him.

  14. matt g says:

    I missed a step while building the Medicine Man glider from Make 17, and didn’t drill the holes through the fuselage for the rear dowel that holds the wing on. Drilling the holes now is going to take some finesse. I think that push drill might be just the thing to help make the holes straight and not chew up the fuselage or go in crooked, etc. I don’t really have a use for the screwdrivers yet, but holy moly, they’re gorgeous.

  15. Tom says:

    I am working on a stereophotogrammetry setup for use in archaeological fieldwork. A device that will level a camera above a unit and move the camera around an XY table to take several photos of the unit that can later be re-constructed into a 3-d model of the ground surface.

    I’m sure that I can find a use for the hand drill for my rig, and for many future uses.

  16. Eric says:

    Not so glamorous, but I’ve got a bunch of baby-proofing to do. Each cupboard and drawer needs a little latch to prevent my now-mobile baby (11 months old today) from opening it.

    The push drill would speed up that job a lot. The screwdrivers are great but for this job I’ll probably use my (original) No. 131 Yankee Screwdriver.

  17. Bill says:

    That push drill would be great for the toy box I’m building for my little guy.

    Those screwdrivers would just plain be awesome to have.

  18. matt says:

    It’s hard to think of a project where these wouldn’t be helpfull!

    At the moment, I’m wrapping up the electronics end of a custom clock that I’ve been working on (avr based), and am starting to design the final enclosure (I’ve had a concept for a while, but have been changing the design as I go) – these would make the job a lot easier (there’s a lot of times a power drill is overkill and hard to handle, especially on precise holes – but without a drill press, I’m often left without any other option).

    Awesome giveaway, thanks for having it!

  19. william larsen says:

    the original stanley/yankee drill as pictured was a bell system tool whem ma bell didn’t have kids.they would be stamped BELL tool truly cordless.

  20. Mark says:

    I have seen sets of those beautiful screwdrivers in many toolboxes over the years and have always admired them. Since they are able to do so many things (drive screw, pry, etc.) they would come in handy on any carpentry job. I know I would get a lot of use out of them working on the crew shells and launches for our high school crew team as well as the trailer we use to haul them. In addition, we are working on putting in an apartment in the basement of my home and I know I would find multitudes of uses for them.

    Great blog! Keep up the good work.

  21. jeff-o says:

    I build wooden clockworks as one of my many hobbies, and there are some holes that are difficult or impossible to do with a drill press or hand-held electric drill. Something small, lightweight, and positionable at any angle would be perfect. That Push Drill looks like just the thing!

  22. Travis Bean says:

    I was given one of the original stanley versions of the push drill, and I can say it is one of my favorite tools. I used it when I was re-wiring my electrical panel and basement, and it made mounting boxes a breeze. Using it for pilot holes made everything go that much easier. If you don’t win one, buy it anyway because you will wonder what you did without it!

  23. Bob says:

    When I was a kid, my Dad had a push drill. I remember it fondly as a tool that quickly made a hole without tiring out my young hands and arms, as the crank drills would – and even being a little fun to boot. It also can get into tighter areas than a crank drill or power drill, and it’s as easy to carry around as a large screwdriver.

    That old push drill is long gone, but I’ve often wished I had it, and I haven’t found it in any hardware stores. It would make my decade to win this.

  24. says:

    I’m a tech missionary who is looking at a trip to Haiti soon, and other places with limited power in the future. Since I can’t plan on them having power a significant amount of the time, it’d be nice to have some alternatives to power tools that can be precise and depended upon. The trip to Haiti involves assisting a guy doing community development to setup and install the infrastructure needed to run a language learning computer lab. We’ll be doing some major plans around power and batteries as well as figuring out ways to securely store the equipment when not in use.

    I also like to keep tools like these around as a reminder that technology, power and electricity don’t always provide the best solution. Sometimes social engineers get it done better than electrical engineers.

  25. James says:

    I’m beginning to amass some steam-punk themed, old-fashioned tools and these would be an incredible asset!

    Plus they’d be very well used around my new house :)

  26. cocoxochitl says:

    I work with LA city kids. We build, run and grow gardens throughout 712 square miles of asphalt & concrete campuses. Since “dirt” is not always available… we go up. LA Public Works has donated several thousand dollars in plastic, recycled lumber. It’s like Trex decking and a favorite of OG magazine & others:

    We do use power drills to assemble the boxes, but an old-fashioned, non-power option would do the trick. Many of our students don’t have the trade skills that I gained in my Jr. High shop classes in the early 80’s. I take my training (almost) for granted. You’d be amazed @ how much you DO know how to DO in the workshop by working with 15 and 18 year-olds. It’s kinda’ scary. But the kids are fast learners given the opportunity.

    Various High School students in LA build the boxes for their middle school and elementary school “cousins”. Our garden building isn’t just a good green thing… it’s a service project too. We’d appreciate any help and support. We have 300 4’x8′ boxes 2 build! When done… that’s a lot of broccoli.

  27. Peter says:

    I have one (minus the bits) that I inherited from my father-in-law. It’s great for predrilling for screws, and all those little jobs where you don’t want to pull out the rechargeable drill.

    And you can never have too many screwdrivers, especially the good, solid type (not those cheap pieces of junk the discount stores pass off as screwdrivers). Even though a screwdriver “should never be used for prying”, we all do it. *That’s* what the cheap ones are for. I would never use these drivers as prybars.

    So count me in. I’ll hang doors in the basement with them, screw together shelving and hang pictures for my wife.

  28. Patrick Connelly says:

    I’m getting ready to start making a MAME cabinet, but I’m going to wire it differently than most, and will be mounting the motherboard and components to a board instead of in a case. And this would be perfect for drilling the holes for mounting the motherboard. Also would be helpful for drilling pilot holes so I didn’t have to switch the bit out all the time.

  29. Patricia Lupien says:

    What a great set of tools. I bet these would survive all the abuse a DIY-er like myself could heap on it.

  30. shawnc says:

    I used to have a yankee driver that came in handy at the most opportune of times. With what seems like daily fixes around my house, the push drill and the screwdrivers would become an integral part of my handyman arsenal. Currently almost complete with a full bathroom remodel, the drill would be handy for hand drilling holes for my floor and door moldings.

  31. Dre says:

    …for field Lobotomy on demand

  32. says:

    With quality tools like these, I’d be able to pass them on to my son or daughter. I’m much more interested in what they could do with them.

  33. trevor says:

    oh man, I love these tools. Reminds me of my fathers tool bag. I build lots of things, from doors to animated “things” and a pilot drill is indispensable, especially if could fit in my apron.

  34. Liz says:

    I’ve been neglecting my found object art for over a year in pursuit of other projects, and these tools would be an inspiration to get back to building shadowboxes from the cast-off wood I find on the street. Thanks!

  35. MattB says:

    I definitely need a set of these screwdrivers. They will be real helpful in building shelters and also punching through a skull in the event of Zombie apocalypse.

  36. says:

    I just bought a house and could use the Garrett Wade push drill for help installing security features (cameras and motion detector lights) as well as a decorative corbel in my family room. Thanks for featuring this giveaway!

  37. amanda clemmer says:

    i’m moving to a new home soon and the walls are exposed brick as well as sheetrock covering exposed brick, so the best way for me to hang anything is to drill into the wall… hint hint!

  38. Phill says:

    I’ve used push drills in the past, but never had the opportunity to own one. They are great for getting into small/narrow spaces. I’ve got a few projects in the works where one of these would come in very handy.

  39. Theo says:

    I’m planning to build a small temple on an island in the northernmost part of the archipelago of Stockholm. The idea is to build it out of what is at hand; wood and stone. There’s no electricity at the site, and securing the wood is tricky, especially the smaller pieces of the walls. All I have at the moment is a brace, good for bigger holes, but I’ve yet to invent a way to make the smaller ones. Until now, that is.

  40. David says:

    This tool would be quite handy to build my aquaponic set up. There will be lots of pieces and parts to assemble, and using an arduino as the base, the system will be mostly automated.

    These beautiful tools would make quick work of almost all of it.

  41. Jim says:

    My father had one of these (I don’t know where it went) and I always loved using it. These things are great if you want (as I do) to go full purist and not use any power tools for a project. I’ve built two guitars (one for myself and one for my brother, both super-enhanced CBGs) where the only power tool was the drill. I started with hand tool only projects because I was cheap, but now I do it because I feel a greater connection to the project, and it’s a lot harder to blame the tool when you have 100% control over it.

  42. Stuart Malone says:

    My wife and I have been volunteering at the Edgewood Sailing School to help maintain their small fleet of Rhodes 19 sailboats, where the push drill would be especially helpful. Fiberglass repairs need to be re-drilled for floorboards and combings. Aluminum masts and booms have to be drilled to replace blown-out rivets. Quality hand tools are especially helpful out on the water where power sources are scarce.

  43. NateBourgoin says:

    I am working on some homebrew equiptment including a filtering/kegging system. Those screwdrivers would be a much more enjoyable experience then my dollar store flatheads that are slowly falling apart.

  44. Mike says:

    Many many projects – refurbing a pinball machine, possibly building a set of interior shutters…

  45. says:

    I’m making stuff for my unborn son (5 days overdue and waiting!).

    Probably gridbeam furniture so it can grow with him.
    I’m also making an LED/Arduino mobile and general other soft toy loveliness.

    New maker/new dad

  46. Andrew says:

    I can’t list any particular project for which these would be useful, but rather I could see using them for just about any maintenance task and/or project. One of those things that is used because “Oh yeah, that would work a lot better” situations.

  47. DougW says:

    I can’t imagine trying to list all the wonderful uses both of the tools listed here would be put to in regular use in my daily life!

  48. Mark Mel says:

    My dad had one years ago. I wish I had it now. Going to be installing cabinets and this would be great for drilling the holes for the knobs. Always a chance for slipping and nicking the wood with a powered drill.

  49. Justin says:

    I just recently have taken a liking to the whole DIY movement and would love to grab a pair of tools to start me off ;D

  50. Adam says:

    I would be able to use this for all my projects right now. I just smashed up my clavicle and I can’t use my primary arm for the next few months while the bone heals (plus rehab time). Having a tool without all the heft of a power drill would allow me to use it one-handed instead of begging for project help from the significant other, letting her know I am not working on the projects she “assigned” me.

  51. lalligood says:

    The drill would be oh-so-handy for many of my model rocketry projects to make all of the vent holes & holes for mounting switches on the outside of the rocket!

    Those screwdrivers are stunningly beautiful. *Almost* too pretty to use.

    And I’d be sure to show/teach my son how to use such elegant, useful tools too!

  52. Jimmie Rodgers says:

    The push drill would be perfect for drilling small holes in cases and toys. I love the extra control that hand tools provide. Currently I use a Dremel and follow up with a hand reamer to get the hole to size.

  53. Luke says:

    I’m in the process of contructing a multitouch table and this would be a very handy tool to have. Not to mention it looks beautiful!

  54. tominkansas says:

    Going to be building some LED light systems for our church out of old Par cans which is going to involve many little holes and such. This tool would be so handy for this project.

  55. MWCamp says:

    This push drill would allow me to still work on projects that require drilling while my infant son is asleep. (he sleeps all the time)

  56. Jonathan Fulton says:

    I’m moving this week from a tiny apartment to a house with a backyard and garage, the first one I’ve had in my life. Of course it’ll be turned into a shop. I’ve started reading Make and salivating over all the cool stuff that I could totally do if I had space and tools. I actually built a workbench in my bedroom, cutting down space even more, for small projects, but the move is going to totally open up my ability to just do stuff. From a new maker to the masters, I think these tools would be a great way to symbolize a transition into a new chapter in my life.
    Plus I have to dig around in an old red toolbox to find any screwdrivers and I don’t even have a power drill, so practical use is guaranteed. :-)

  57. pauric says:

    There’s something ethereal about working with classically simple tools. The tools in and of themselves help you craft designs that follow some of the same principles used to create them.

    Here I am creating a 40’s style alarm clock with a drill from the same period.

    A good craftsman never blames his tools, thats because he has the right tools for the job. I’d like to be a better craftsman with these tools! thanks pauric

    radiorental at gmail

    1. Kurt says:

      Wow, who couldn’t use these on their current project.

      I’m always trying to impress upon my own boys the value of knowing how to do something without power tools. These would be a beautiful addition to their education. Perhaps even worthy of passing down to them when they start to build up their own tool shops.

  58. CRAusmus says:

    Either one of these great tools would both raise your tool geek cred and allow you to add those finishing touches to your projects in style. From finishing touches on electronics projects to the detail work on my cabinets, these are tools you would never see outside my bag. Beautiful work guys. Both of these are on my Christmas list. My wife would love it if you gave them too me though I’m sure. She’ll look at me like I’m an idiot when she sees them on the list. LOL.

  59. Markus Laumann says:

    … and I think these tools might be just what I need to let them out. Of course they will, shut up!

  60. Tom says:

    The push drills would be great for my continuing craniotomie experiments :)

    But seriously, I have made a number of PCBs with the wrong size drill holes. This would be the perfect tool for quickly enlarging them.

  61. Bob O says:

    Those screwdrivers look like they would do well prying out engine seals. I’ve snapped a lesser screwdriver doing that before.

  62. ripit says:

    who wouldn’t want or need these? i would use them all my projects (which are too many to list all of them here so i’ll just give a few examples)like a model wooden sailing ship i just got at a yard sale or the jewelry box i’m making for my sister or the self powered electric weathervane i’m making out of a vcr head!

  63. 0crabby0 says:

    Nice and quiet for drilling indoor pilot holes and it doesn’t need charging for use outdoors.

  64. I want one! says:

    Pretty sweet looking tools!

  65. Big Daddy Dave says:

    I work with several River Keepers in Alabama (the Black Warrior River Keeper, Cahaba River Society, Alabama River’s Alliance, and the Hurricane Creek Keeper) and this would be an awesome tool for us.

    We typically have to take the patrol boat out with a cordless drill to work on projects down river. There’s nothing more defeating than trying to drill a hole when your batteries fail (manually turning the bit gets you no where). The batteries die on us quite regularly meaning we have to turn around and go back up stream to go recharge the battery and try again the next day.

    We are an environmental group running entirely off of donations, I hate to think of wasting fuel going back and forth and time of our volunteers. We’d buy extra batteries, but funds are scarce and toxic rechargeable batteries are something we’d rather not be dependent on.

    This tool is awesome. Not only will it never run out of juice (unless we’re just dog tired:), it’s going to be significantly lighter to carry and more environmentally friendly for our environmentally friendly group.

    Thanks for your consideration!

    For the rivers,
    ~Big Daddy Dave

  66. NeilH says:

    The push drill would be great for working on the paper mache props I am working on for our neighborhood haunted house this year, a power drill is often overkill for the thick paper and tears it, requiring repair.

    I drill holes to run wires to new LEDs / servo motors as neeeded to maintain the prop.

    This years signature prop is a fire breathing dragon (well fog breathing, but lit to look like fire, we dont want to actually burn anything).

  67. Cementtruck says:

    Are you kidding me? Everyone needs a Drill that requires no batteries! Great for those impromptu requests that start with “Hey, you’re a handy guy, right?…”, or simply adorning your toolkit or glovebox.

    Today is my Birthday (no really!!!), and this Push Drill would make an excellent present. :)

  68. Gilberti says:

    I live in a college dorm. When I work on projects, I need to be quiet about it or my neighbors would start complaining. That press drill would be great for drilling holes in project cases for wires without having to trek halfway across campus to the student woodshop or use a noisy handheld drill in my room.

  69. Andre says:

    I’m often mulling about the garage on the weekends and my 5yo daughter often joins me. She uses my tools (hammer, screwdriver, cordless drill…) to play in the scrap wood. I make my daughter use the hand tools first before going to the electric, as it teaches respect and proper use of the tool(and safety). I don’t have anything like this in my setup and think it would be a great addition.

  70. says:

    I would love to use this on a custom photoboard!

  71. mattybojangles says:

    I have a variety of projects I’m working on that would benefit from a push drill to replace the ol’ Yankee that I had. It finally met its demise when the leadscrew bent under the cast iron bathtub that was dropped on it when i recently replaced the tub.

    Projects on my list that will benefit:
    – reclaimed stump table
    – reclaimed stump bench
    – TV stand
    – Japanese tea house
    – circuit bent toy enclosures
    – step sequencer enclosure
    – hidden cable routing holes at the corner of the room. (stupid bulky power drills are terrible at this)
    – more and more, as the ideas come to me.

  72. essextwo says:

    Hi There,

    I’m a graphic design student about to graduate and need to have my own custom portfolio to display my work. I have a passion for DIY weekend projects but dont have all the tools I need as most of my money goes towards expensive papers, inks and design software. I plan on building my own portfolio and these tools will certainly make the job go a lot smoother. If all goes well it will give me the edge on the competition with my slick portfolio and i’ll have some great tools to add to my small but growing collection.

    Thanks a million.


    Entry Info:
    Name: Sean Stewart

  73. Mouseclone says:

    You know there is only so much you can do with a power tool before you need a hand tool. I personally love hand tools, even more when they are of good quality.

  74. James says:

    I would LOVE this tool for pre-drilling the holes needed for bridge pins of a harpsichord I’m making. This is my first instrument made from entirely found wood materials.


  75. Jess says:

    The push drill would be fantastic when I attempt to build my custom computer case out of plexiglass. :)


  76. says:

    I am just starting down the path of developing little steampunk projects — electronic guts, but in a wooden box (like a cigar box or recipe box). Since most of the work is done in the house, at my desk, if I just want one or two little holes, it is always a pain to go out to the garage and set up the workbench and drill. I feel that a little human-powered hand drill will not only fulfill that need, but add an extra intangible touch of steampunkiness to such projects. :)

  77. Sebastian says:

    I’m working on a clock with a nixie tube display and a mechanical movement, all housed in a walnut cabinet. To make something classy, you need classy tools.

  78. wdonohue says:

    We are scratch-building and Ikea-hacking storage and work areas into a bedroom & the basement of our house. These are the core tools for assembling the hardware, and the tools I have had no luck in finding good-quality examples of.

  79. oster says:

    Wow, these look really nice. Could definitely use ’em!

  80. Mike says:

    Come on. What couldn’t you do with a beautiful set like that. Personally, I like the hand drill. Let’s me play in the workshop well after the wife’s ‘quiet’ hours!

  81. Jim says:

    Sometimes you just have to make a small hole in a tight spot. A nice hand drill is perfect for those situations!

  82. Robin says:

    I’d love to use that hand-drill on the set of pegged wooded kitchen prep tables I am trying to make. My power drill is slightly off center and makes oddly shaped holes that are useless for proper wood dowel construction.

    I’d also love to use it with a tiny drill bit for pinning miniature gaming terrain.

    1. Robin says:

      Oh yeah, is my address.

  83. dredd says:

    “… killing people who try to open your hatch”. My current screwdrivers are inadequate for this task. I need the full-tang!

  84. JD Langeland says:

    If anything is going to motivate me to finish my bar, it’s some beautiful tools to play with!

  85. says:

    I’m always trying to make pa proud. I guarantee he would love for me to repair the custom walnut stereo cabinet he recently gave me with these. High quality furniture + high quality tools = dad cred.

  86. dewayne says:

    These are beautiful tools.

    I would love to use these on any number of little projects that I’ve got in the todo list: Prop building, electronics, random honey-dos.

  87. says:

    My 8-year-old son and I are working on building a sailboat from a 1880’s design without the use of power tools. It’s a lesson in craftsmanship, resourcefulness, self-reliance, and persistence. I’d love for him to have heirloom tools like this.

  88. Adrian says:

    Oh man I would love having the drill and screwdrivers for all of the woodworking and projects I do at my cabin in VT.
    They both would help me whittle down the very lengthy list. I think I’ll install the gutters and rain barrel first!

  89. Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! Ian Lee says:

    Love that push drill!

  90. says:

    I’m starting to put together a small woodworking shop in my basement (most for jobs around the house) and either of these would be excellent additions. Tough I think that push drill is sufficiently lovely to get me off my duff and building stuff every weekend. :)

  91. mfmjos says:

    I have often wanted a push drill for projects. My Father had a similar screwdriver from many many years ago.

  92. Gizmo says:

    Yes. I’ll use it for World Domination. I won’t need to tell you how well it is going – you’ll know.

  93. says:

    You know, I actually don’t have a drill or screwdrivers yet. Not ones that I’d be happy using for a full project, anyway.

  94. Evan Lyons says:

    Those hand drills really are magnificent! I am in the process of building a modular home brewery for tasty homemade beer. The process involves drilling many small holes in buckets and pipes to deliver sparge water from the hot liquor tun to the lauter tun. This hand drill will make quick work of the job!

  95. Robert W Gallop says:

    After my grandpa passed this year, I thought the chance to ever see or use top quality tools like this would be gone forever.

    I’m working on many projects, and my son will soon be getting old enough to help. I’d use these tools to teach him quality from average, and craftsmanship from just doing good enough. Actually can’t wait for us to start doing projects together :)

    Me me me!

  96. Curtis says:

    I’ve been slowly building up my tool collection for small woodworking projects and have been thinking about finding a drill like this. Perhaps the first project would be working on a jewelery box for my wife for extra points ;)

  97. BShocked says:

    It would be nice to have a solid set of screwdrivers in the house. I go though a pair of 99cent store tools just about every week! These would definitely be put to good use doing daily maintenance on my house.

  98. ExoUY says:

    I would use it to finish my digital photo frame using an OLPC XO-1, I’m doing it on wood and this would help with the little screws I intend to use!

  99. Mr.Miz says:

    So I’ve been using big box tools for a while now because I just didn’t know any better. I’ve returned countless broken ones and pitched even more of them. I REALLY wish when my Grandpa sold his equipment I would have paid more attention and taken some of his old tools. I would VERY much like to start buying quality tools, but convincing my better half that spending the extra dough has been a challenge. The projects that I have plan:
    A welcome home sign for the in-laws new house.
    Toy Box
    Shelves for entertainment equipment
    DIY draw Organizers from MAKE Weekend Projects
    Garage workbench on casters
    Garage Storage cabinets
    and so much more. Thank you MAKE for keeping me busy.

  100. C0sys says:

    I picked up a small sailboat recently, having been sailing for years and wanting my own boat. I’d love to put it on a mooring in a harbor, but it needs some electronics (lights and a radio). While I’m at it, I’m planning to add a solar panel, battery charging system, gps and marine radar (and possible ham radio antenna/radio). Since the boat isn’t equipped for any of this, its going to involve drilling and resealing holes in fiberglass. And then resealing them so that no water can leak in. The hand drill looks like it would really nice for making precisely sized holes that would be easy to reseal.

  101. Nate says:

    Both sets are gorgeous, and I could certainly put both to good use.

    I don’t have a set of *good* screwdrivers, and these definitely fit the bill.

    And the hand-drill looks perfect for some lighter case work I’m planning on doing.

  102. Montoya says:

    I need to hang a bunch of framed posters and pictures in my apartment, and that push drill would make things SUPER easy.

  103. says:

    These push drills look gorgeous and you never know when you might need to drill holes without electricity!

  104. Jeremy Pavleck says:

    I’m making several Christmas gifts and these would be AWESOME!

    The big one I’d love to use this on is for my father in law’s gift. I’m making him a tube headphone amplifier, modifying the Millet design to include an ipod dock and charger. The push drills especially would be great for creating the dock piece – I’m using balsa, which tears so easily. But once you have it designed, you use the minwax wood hardener and a few coats of laquer and its hard as aluminum!
    That drill would be so nice for the half dozen more project boxes I need to modify as well.
    Being in an apartment, I’ve really come to appreciate human powered tools a lot more – easier to control, quieter, and so much easier to clean up after!
    Plus, my birthday was on the 26th, so that would make an awesome gift to myself!

  105. Brian Little says:

    The drill and screwdrivers would both enable me to get more done on the new HenPalace. I still have to build and install nesting boxes, an interior door and a grit hopper, all three of which are drill-and-screw jobs from start to finish.

    It’d be one more mark of distinction for what is already a somewhat unusual henhouse. Built to house, among other birds, Serama chickens (the smallest breed of chickens in the world, and quite unusual in this country), the boards of my hens’ abode have been trod by royalty.

    Okay, kind of. The floor is made from plywood recycled from a stage used during a local residency by the Royal Shakespeare Company during their performance of The Merchant of Venice. I’m thinking of dubbing myself The Chicken Merchant in honor of this fact.

    In any case, it’s already a cool coop. Being able to use Garrett Wade tools to finish it out would make it Grade A Cage-Free Organic Awesome. :)

  106. The d00b says:

    I’m currently starting a project to restore a classic grandfather clock that’s been in the family for around 100 years. I’ve made the decision to only use hand tools similar to those used in its initial construction. Either of these sets could be used in the wood and brass work that will be associated with this restoration!

  107. says:

    I have a power drill but it’s just TOO much power for half the stuff I try to use it for. I quite often use a 1/8 inch drill bit and always try to keep a spare bit or two because the big, fat hammer drill hammers the hell out of everything!

  108. Dop says:

    My brother-in-law is a forklift mechanic and he’s extremely hard on tools. The full tang screwdrivers would be great for him (so I’m hoping to win them as a gift). So it’s not really a single project he needs them for, but his day-to-day work.

  109. James says:

    I’m making a metal vise using and engine lathe and a vertical mill. Those screw drivers would make the assembly more pleasant.

    Here’s part of the build:

  110. Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! blight says:

    A hand powered push drill is just what I need to modify some small plastic cases for some upcoming electronic projects.

    And who couldn’t use more screwdrivers.

  111. Paul says:

    I am working on a spinning wheel for my girlfriend and the screwdrivers would definitely help in the adjustment of tensions and final assembly as would the drill.

  112. Devcoder says:

    the screwdrivers would be a great replacement for my cheapo set!

  113. Brandi Weed says:

    I suppose mere aesthetics aren’t enough, but those screwdrivers are honestly gorgeous. I could always use a good set and it sounds like they are as tough as they are handsome so I wouldn’t be afraid of ruining their good looks.

    The push drill would be nice for fine wood and metal work (in particular, drilling pieces of metal miniatures to accept pinning and strengthen their understructure)– and it might be a fine project in itself to see if other small bits (in particular, fine screwdrivers) could be adapted to the drill (small-diameter Phillips or Torx heads would help a lot in computer work!).

    1. Brandi Weed says:

      Uh oh– I’m not sure your comment form asked for my email address! It’s, should I be so lucky!

  114. Adam says:

    I’d use the push drill to make some careful counterbores in a cabinet I’m planning. The screwdrivers would come in handy all the time, I’m sure.

  115. says:

    Lucky me, I’ve got the originals of both these tools.

    I’m happy to see there continues to be an interest in the push drill (the original cordless drill), since it means I’ll be able to get replacement bits after my local hardware store runs out.

  116. Katie Schrader says:

    I would use the Push Drill to build all of the projects that I have been putting off! Like the upcycled suitcase side table.

  117. J Patrick says:

    You could use it to dig bullets out of people’s legs.

  118. says:

    Those screwdrivers would be great for getting parts out of a cars a a junkyard. Cheap ones always break too easily and you never want to use your expensive ones.

  119. Julian says:

    I am working on some custom “Leave me alone boxes” for Christmas presents and the push drill would be fantastic working on the enclosures.

  120. jeffkimble says:

    Living in a working fixer-upper house, I can’t tell you how many project I could finish with the ultra manual, ultra quiet drill and screwdrivers outlined here!! The baby’s in bed by 7, and the older kids by 8, and once that happens, it’s No Power Tools time. I would drill and countersink the refinished stop molding for the windows I replaced a year ago. I would mount the cabinets on the kitchen cabinets, WITH knobs, no less. I can’t tell you how many things are on my honey-do list, or my own project wish-list that I could accomplish quietly after the kids are asleep!

  121. grunion2 says:

    not only are those beautiful, they would be perfect for me. my girlfriend’s son and i have been working on a giant fort in the woods near a timeshare cabin and i have a hand-crank drill that has been holding us back and giving us blisters. i’ve never won anything before better than free soda but this would make up for a lifetime of disappointment :D

  122. Jordan M says:

    Both tools would be great for a joint project I’m working on – my friend and I are restoring an old boat he recently picked up for a song – there’s so much to be done that good tools would make a huge difference!

  123. yellow says:

    I work out of my tiny little apartment, on all sorts of crafts and projects mostly dealing with electronics. Due to my living arrangements loud and noisy tools really can’t be used too often without the neighbors complaining. You can imagine how hard it is to almost be done with a project at about midnight only to realize you need to drill one or two more holes! I have been looking into getting this sort of tool after many complaints of late night noise from my last project. ( a huge nintendo controller pillow, that actually works) I am getting ready to start a pinball machine using the parallax propeller chip and the make controller so being able to stay up late and still work without the worry of eviction would be amazing! ( i would work on projects during the day but things like college and work get in the way, so the night is mine!)

  124. may says:

    My dad recently lost his job and has been puttering around the house without much to do. He did a lot of woodworking when I was younger, built my desk and bookshelves, but many of his tools have been damaged and lost. I would love to be able to give him this and maybe renew his sense of purpose in life.

  125. Travis Lermusiaux says:

    I would use these tools in a number of projects. The hand drill I could use for drilling precise holes when working on guitars and electronics equipment. The screwdrivers would be an awesome addition to my collection becaue all my screwdrivers are usually breaking on me so getting some heavy-duty drivers would be great. Thanks for the giveaway.

  126. Kyle Hepworth says:

    I’ve been looking for a good quality push drill for a long time, but they’re far to expensive for my budget. I own a corded drill, but it’s a serious hassle to get out and put up, and usually far more than the job requires.

    I love working light with hand tools, planes, scrapers, knives, and rasps, on small woodworking projects. I’m always building little sculptures, and I plan on making a custom chess set soon. It would really make my projects go smoothly if I could get my hands on this beauty.


  127. dZed says:

    I found my first issue of Make in the Barnes and Noble in Oakland, CA five or six years ago now, and it was the spark for me. I (mis)spent my youth with books in my bedroom instead of helping my Dad to fix the tractor, and now I’ve got a lot of books, a huge desire to learn, and only a smattering of skills.

    But the problem for me has always been this: I am captivated by looking at what other people do, but I rarely see something I need or want for myself, especially with my limited space. But then my friend introduced me to chess, and a month spent looking around stores for a reasonably priced, not too awful chess set convinced me that a chess set, nay, a really flippin’ awesome chess set was what I needed to build. Flash forward, and after some rudimentary efforts, I’ve planned what I believe to be a singularly amazing portable, folding chess set that right now exists in exactly one place — my mind. The thing is more complicated then a chess set ever needs to be, but that’s why it’s going to be a wedding present for the man who introduced me to chess. The best gifts, I always say, are the ones you most want to keep for yourself.

    It’s going to take some new skills that I don’t have yet, and one or two tools that I also don’t have, but I have some mentors willing to help me out and a definite timetable. And, if the good lords of contests shine their light on me, this project could also use a new push drill — for the posts to attach the top most brass grid, for the mounting spaces for the rods the board will slide on, for the hinge posts for the drawers, and for the other small holes to complete the assembly. I hope the happy couple likes the gift, and I hope the transition from mind to wood and metal goes as well as I want it to.


  128. edservice says:

    When I started my first job in the old Bell System, I had a set of tools issued and one of the tools was this push drill. It was great tool that was very handy when it came to wall mounting various telecommunications equipment. I’d love to have one in my tool pouch. As afr as the screwdrivers are concerned, they are the best. I’ve had a set of them for about 20 years and they’ve never failed me.

  129. Brian says:

    Either of these would be helpful in building my 5th grade class a set of torsion-bar skateboards. I’m hoping to address not only the mechanics of energy and transference, but of personal balance and movement. And, of course, the idea that you can build your toys just as effectively as buy them with a little bit of research and elbow grease.

  130. Jaymie L. says:

    The screwdriver set and ESPECIALLY the push drill would be amazing things to have as I am starting to get more into woodworking.

  131. Shadyman says:

    I would definitely use it for installing Cat5 boxes in the walls here.

  132. Jeff says:

    With tools as beautiful as those, I would fix everything in my house, and not complain about doing it. I would also take apart all of the old electronics I’ve been meaning to get rid of, and strip them for parts. And then build a case for that Chumby kit I just ordered… and maybe a new one for my Meggy Jr kit… and a ridiculous skyscraper for my cats… maybe some robots…

  133. Frith says:

    Brilliant! I think I’ll have to get one of these, one way or another!

    Its mid-semester break at the moment, so I am working on a little project – a ‘media hanger’. Basically its my recently replaced laptop mounted inside a large glass frame, for hanging on the wall. The screen will do some duty as a digital photo frame, and the rest of the frame will be filled with actual photos. The whole thing hangs below the projector, providing the media centre management (movies, TV shows, music, etc) while taking up no floor space in the room. Did I mention that I’m living in a small college room?

    I don’t have a drill, nor really the space for storing one, but a small hand-powered drill would be just the ticket for drilling the mounting holes, etc. And taking up as little space as possible.

    Like I say, Brilliant!

  134. Don says:

    Either one of these tools is a gadget lover’s dream! I’ll use the push drill like I do the one I inherited from my wife’s grandfather (but this one will have all the bits). Sure an 18v Dewalt will do the same thing but no with as much finesse. And the heavy duty screw drives are one of those things you carry with you in the car just in case you have to tear something apart in the middle of nowhere and put it back together again.

  135. j. c. Sommerman says:

    I didn’t see any specifications on the size of the push drill, depending on what scale the drill is, (hopefully on the small side)i would use it for making pilot holes in the metal/wooden pieces of the video game cabinet i’m planning based on my daughter’s broken dvd player & my plug-n-play game device. The screw drivers are neat, but will be a little big for my project…although they would come in pretty handy for prying apart the various casings on my scavenged items..

  136. Albatros13 says:

    These would be a great addition to my now tiny toolbox. I had to leave all my tools in Texas when I moved to Florida due to some circumstances… and these would be great to start my collection up again!

  137. Sandy says:

    The push drill looks like what my step-grandfather used when he was making all the small wooden boxes for the family as jewelry boxes and anything else we wanted to use them for. The boxes are held together with glue and dowels and dovetails. He passed away 10 years ago to cancer and all his things were sold or thrown away by my uncle who feared he might get sick from them and didn’t let anyone have any. My daughter and I have decided to try our hand at it and are slowly accumulating tools and trying to figure out his technique. We are also making book thongs and jewelry and sometimes have to drill out the inside of the beads. I’m not certain if this drill is fine enough for that but would like try it.

    The screwdrivers look unique and interesting and might be easier for me to hold onto than standard ones. I know my daughter would like them as we sometimes struggle with the newer ones and don’t get as good of a grip when needed.

    Love the looks of them both. Thank you for having this contest.

  138. Frank Ballentine, Jr - KB1QZH says:

    If I had had a push drill, I’d probably be going antenna nuts. I’ve got a bunch of antenna builds I want startfinish but I really don’t feel like searching for the parts for the cordless (which was a good buy from Goodwill). Basically I’ve got AMSAT on the mind, and some Wifi. I wanted to build a link across Long Island Sound for Talk Like A Pirate day but alas the tools. I’d love to see how well this gets through PVC or some of the more electrically resistant plastics at McMaster. After the antennas, I still need to build a portable DC distribution system. I picked a nice but HEAVY (155Ah and 125 punds) battery. I want to take it out in the field. No fun playing with radios at home. That batt is going to need the mother of carts (and I’m probably going to need to goto the gym to get it in the car)

    And think about the all emergency hole making that can be performed. Not to mention how handy it could be walking the local scrap yard.

  139. David says:

    I’d use it for drilling and enlarging PCB holes, since I always forget some, or set the diameter too small. A powered hand drill makes a mess, and it’s annoying to set up the bench drill for a couple of tiny holes! This would be perfect!

  140. Adam says:

    Both of these items are beautiful and would make a great addition to anyone’s toolbox (especially mine). I just wish that the push drill included a Phillips bit.

    Like everyone here I love taking things apart. A push screwdriver would be a great addition to a manual screwdriver and power drill. It’s often quite tedious removing each and every screw by hand from whatever little widget that I feel the need to perform exploratory surgery on. A nice push screwdriver would sure make my life more enjoyable.

  141. Adam says:

    I should be ashamed of my self for not searching GarrettWade’s catalog better prior to posting. It appears that they carry a nice looking Yankee (push) screwdriver set ( ). Not only does it include Phillips bits but hex bits as well as offering a 102 piece bit set.

  142. John says:

    I’m loving those super screwdrivers. Living in a 125 year old farm house is really beginning to show me how important being handy is, and I’ll take any help I can get.

  143. Lance Mallette says:

    I’m currently building an apple press that could benefit from some high quality hand tools. Nothing like them for control and precision.

  144. Dale says:

    Dear Maker Santa,

    This year I would like to please ask for a new push drill and screw driver set. I am an “undercover,” modified Makerbot scratch builder (the bot will be modified, I still have all original components) who is trying to put my printer together in an apartment without anyone noticing.

    I can’t stop building things however I’m concerned that my downstairs neighbors will not be amused with the noise created by a power drill against hardwood floors. Additionally, being a poor college student without money for my own power tools has resulted in my friends all avoiding me for fear that I will ask to borrow something from their garage.

    I was thinking of just sucking it up coating all the walls in sound proof insulation however I’m concerned that will ruin this places nearly non existent fung shwe.. errr… shuy… ummm…well, everyone will think I’m off my nut. Anyway, I don’t think my lab professor would approve if I tried to sleep in the stock room after being evicted for “inappropriate building modifications.”

    I promise to build a Makerbot that follows all of Asimov’s rules (no matter how tempting it is to teach it otherwise), to always counter sink my holes appropriately, to use the proper driver so I never strip screws, and to never… ever… allow wood chips to pile up in such a manner that someone might, as my mom put it, “slip and bust their heads open.”

    Many thanks,

  145. CCherry says:

    The screwdrivers look like the set that were my great-grandfather’s (a heck of a maker, a blacksmith and ran a sawmill.) They were stolen from my father two years ago.

    But the push drill is all about the practical- I am a bit of a fluff head so keeping track of batteries and chargers and getting them to together on a regular basis is difficult for me. With one of these I could finally finish the crown molding in my living. Wouldn’t life be shiny then?

  146. says:

    A man can never have to many tools.

  147. arrowfrog says:

    I’m a hatch engineer by trade. Specifically, I am charged with tensioning the slotted screws that hold hatches to frames.

    My latest job has been sabotaged twice now. I climb up to fasten the upper right bracket and WHAM… I wake up on the floor two hours later. The next day I go back, and no sooner to I start to turn the first screw… WHAM… I wake up a day later bound in electrical tape and half submerged in the filthy muck below the river bridge a few blocks from here.

    It is my genuine hope that your Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set will allow me to either intimidate or dispatch my assailants so that I can complete the fastening of this hatch.

  148. Mark Bell says:

    That push drill would be a great addition to my McGuyver tool set! I am always asked to fix things by friends and such–always have some set of multitiool within reach, along with flashlight, small electrical tools and such.

    I learned a lot of technical knowhow from my dad and grandpa who always had cool toys such as this.

    Also having worked in construction, and car audio know how valuable a good screwdriver is/

    I am working ft at a lowpaying job but going to school ft also to get my degree in network engineering.

    Would love to get my hands on these!!


  149. Andy C says:

    I am always taking stuff apart when it break to either fix it or part it, and I break screwdrivers all the time. I nice strong set of screwdrivers I can count on would be awesome.

  150. Nate says:

    We recently moved and our cat is feeling a little exposed. Planning to build her a place to do her business out of old funiture. These would definitely help that project along. My cat thanks you in advance.

  151. Kowalski says:

    …in my school projects. I am an Industrial Design student in the San Francisco area. At the school we have access to some amazing power tools and an entire shop full of ho-hum hand tools. Sometimes when I need to reach for a tool, I find that I am having to go borrow a substandard bit or piece that the shop just lent out to some freshman who wanted to use the wrong tool for the wrong job. I would be nice to have some tools that I can tuck away for just that perfect use. Elegant hand tools that I can take pride in owning, using and cleaning. Tools that would make the others in my classes ask about. Tools that beg to be borrowed. Tools that might be indicative of the care shown to the work done with them. Tools I can hand to my kids in the future when I am teaching them to be little makers. Tools that can be used over a lifetime beyond mine.

    That might be nice!

  152. Dj says:

    I’ve used someone else’s push drill before and loved it. It provided perfect control for delicate plastic and wood parts and would also be a safe tool for kids to use. Future projects? Anything my kids break that I’m too cheap not to fix!

  153. venona says:

    Im a sculptor and fine artist so I have a need for a variety of tools. I have a variety of tools from simple blades, power drills, and electronics. I have a bit of experience with hand cranked drills because of my passion for book making and I would always walk over to the sculpture shop at my school and use a drill or drill press to avoid the choppy quality of the hand cranked drill. I used a push drill once and it was wonderful. It seemed perfect for my book arts needs and I wouldnt have to waste electricity and this tool set seems really durable. The one I used previously was only designed for bookmaking so I would fear breaking it.

    I would love to have something like this that I could carry around in my backpack with my snap blade knives, awls, leatherman, and anything else I find handy that day.

  154. bubu says:

    Oh teh shiny. Please gimme! I’d use it to drill holes in a piece of wood that needs holes drilled into. OK ?

  155. bearded says:

    I could really use this to finish constructing my J-5000 power loader. Benefits to MAKE: I’ll totally take an oath to save you from the queen alien when she invades earth.

  156. Henry says:

    I need to attach handles to the edges of my cutting board, and having a power drill in my small apartment would be much more than I need.
    The screwdrivers? Are the kings of screwdrivers.

  157. michael says:


    The Garrett Wade Push Drill would be perfect for my projects. I run quite often into the problem that there are delicate wholes to drill and my electric drill is still too fast on its lowest setting. This great looking hand powered drill would be perfect to help me with my tasks.


  158. Jason K. says:

    Dear Make Magazine,

    My best friend and I are planning on building a service car a la this fine fellow: Not only would the extra-heavy duty set of screwdrivers help in the creation of such a fine piece of transportation, it would also lend a certain élan to its maintenance.

    Jason K.

  159. Armandas says:

    I use my knife for drilling holes. I could really use the push drill :-)

  160. Brad says:

    I only have a cordless battery powered drill, and for working on small projects around the house it would be nice to have a hand drill to pick up and use without the hassle of charging. Of course, I could also use a wonderful set of screwdrivers (only have the interchangeable hex bit variety now). So many modern tools, I need some classics!

    Thanks Make,


  161. 0ccam says:

    Having some new tools would get me off my butt and up finishing off our Train Room.

  162. Robert Pitts says:

    The push drill would be a great tool to drill plastic project boxes. What project doesn’t use a plastic box?

  163. hrhcolleen says:

    Currently working on recreating a 1480’s table trestle. The drill would be a great help in drawbore pin hole drilling, as my brace recently broke.

    Love reading Make: every morning through your RSS feed.

    Colleen “Mary”

  164. Julian says:

    Would be a great low-tech alternative to battery drill or dremel, I often build tree houses or disassemble Stuff on the junkyard there it would be great to leave the heavy power tools at home

  165. Titus says:

    Dear Makezine,

    I’m currently working on 2 robots who play soccer autonomously. Given the precision that is needed for these drills, combined with the difficult material, these hand drills would be the perfect alternative to my huge wall drill.
    Also it would combine perfectly with my taps :D


  166. Robert says:

    I’d also use the drill for circuit bending.. they’d help to drill holes through thicker plastic or wood, if needed (in creating a custom case). I love using hand tools… higher speed gets stuff done faster, but also increases chance for messin up!

  167. Russ says:

    This is cool. My dad had something like this when I was a kid. He wouldn’t let me use the power drill, but he let me use this. I had a great time as a kid drilling holes and making cool things down in Dad’s shop.

    Now I have two little boys and having a tool like this would be great fun to use with them. I’m sure little boys will come up with all sorts of stuff that need holes drilled.

  168. indyanne says:

    I’m getting ready to redo the trim around my front door, and the push drill would be perfect for making pilot holes, so I don’t split the wood.

    The screwdrivers look awesome- who couldn’t use a set of full-tang classics!

    1. SiliconFarmer says:

      My wife has been inspired by Sally J. Smith of to begin building Fairy Houses. To be done “right”, as I understand it, this has to be done will all natural, found, materials. The building materials have to be connected together with long pine needles, bits of hair, and whatever else can be found.

      The push drill would not only be ideal for this project, making small holes in fragile materials, it would also be more in keeping with the spirit of her work than my cordless drill.

  169. Dave says:

    Now that I think about it, a Yankee Screwdriver is actually the perfect tool for building audio racks. People always want to use a drill, but I hate assembling a rack only to find out that half of the threads in the rail are stripped because someone used a drill to tighten the screws. I build all my racks by hand with a pink screwdriver I found in a car I bought. (No one steals my pink screwdriver, it always gets returned to me.)

    With a Yankee Screwdriver, a rack could be built by hand, but faster, and without worrying about the possibility of spinning the screw in the rail. That’s an excellent tool.

  170. Mike says:

    I’m rebuilding an antique miniature coffee hand grinder. I think this tool could really help me finish the job.

  171. says:

    Hi there! I have two teenaged boys and my ex-husband just doesn’t have the time to work on projects with them. I don’t have a lot of skills myself, but we’re learning together as we work on projects and it’s really fun.

    One thing we’ve figured out already is that cheap tools just cause frustration. They don’t work like they should and they just mess up what you’re working on.

    We’ve done lots of little electronics projects so far, and have realized that we could really use a workbench or some kind of work table – the kitchen just isn’t cutting it anymore! A set of super-sturdy screwdrivers would go a long way to helping us build that, I’m thinking.

    Thanks for drawing attention to these cool suppliers – I’m learning so much so fast here.

  172. Stephen Emrich says:

    I work as an engineer on broadcast TV trucks and there is a lot of DIY in the shop and on site to get a studio to work anywhere. The yankee drill would come in handy not only as a battery free alternative to our power drills, but as something that can go places a normally shaped clunky drill can’t.

    A nearly unbreakable screwdriver would also be fantastic as I’ve broken quite a few using them for prying and chiseling in a pinch.

  173. Eric says:

    I am just starting to get into powerless or “oldschool” woodworking and am slowly building a quality tool arsenal. My first projects will be toys for my nephews and niece then I will attempt a four post bed and a crib. These high quality tool will be very useful in this powerless endeavor.

  174. Brendan says:

    I am a furniture designer and either of these tools would be an amazing addition to my shop.

  175. Samson! says:

    Ah, i would be most inspired by new tools. My current project requires much woodworking which i haven’t gotten around to yet due to my lack of tools :(

  176. Rich says:

    i’ve always wanted to build a couple of things that this would be perfect for:
    -a well made alcohol stove
    -a reprap
    – a homemade journal
    -a homemade fume hood for a home chemistry lab
    – and a arduino controlled watering system for plants
    i feel this would be the perfect tool for all of these

    1. jOE pALUMBO says:

      I’m sick of borrowing my super’s tools. It would be nice to have a set like this of my own. Nice enough to leave on the kitchen table.

  177. Roger Fornelius says:

    I could honestly use the screwdrivers. I received a set of tools as a wedding gift. They have served okay, but everything is falling apart. I am replacing them bit by bit with quality tools, but that is expensive. I would use the screwdrivers for just about anything. My wife & I are on our second house that we gutted & remodeled, and I have a 1973 VW Super Beetle & a 1988 Chevrolet C/K 1500. Both need work fairly often, and I find myself cursing my screwdrivers more than anything.

  178. Tyler says:

    That’s a beautiful set of tools that I would love to get my hands on…litteraly and figuratively!

  179. Laura says:

    The push drill set would be ideal for drilling out he peg holes on the skin-on-frame kayak I’m set to build this winter.

  180. Jason M says:

    I’d certainly like to have the Hand Drill. It’s a pain having to wait to finish a project because I’ve got to figure out a day when I can head over to a friend’s place to use their drill. It would be nice to have one on hand, especially one that doesn’t need batteries.

  181. Art-Nocturne says:

    I’ve been wanting to try a push-drill since I first saw Elwood use a similar device in the Blues Brothers movie! If one of these could be used to dismantle the controls of an elevator in mere moments, just think what could be BUILT with one!

    As an aspiring Steampunk artist, I have literally dozens of projects this could be used for; from vacuum tube ray-guns to elegant Art-Nouveau lamps, the uses for such wondrous tools are manifold. Rather than ask which projects I’d use these tools for, it would be far simpler to ask in which of my projects these tools would not be used!

  182. toddav says:

    I would love to get my hands on either one of those. The drill especially is beautiful and very useful, I suspect.

  183. Tim Blake says:

    I would love to get one of those push drills. I have an old one that gets a lot of use on various woodworking projects. My old one is pretty well worn. I love the push drill because you don’t always need a bunch of power to get a nice clean hole drilled out.

  184. Jack says:

    The Push drill would come in handy for a custom jukebox I am building.

  185. Matt Menefee says:

    My collection of tools is hodge-podge mixture of things I’ve found, a couple of craftsman items, and things I have modified into makeshift tools. I don’t have a workshop right now, so my bedroom in my apartment is where I work on writing lesson plans, build science projects for my classroom demonstrations, and work on fixing whatever project I have currently in my room. Right now I am re-hafting a spear, re-purposing a solenoid, soldering up some solar bots, and trying to finish up about another half-dozen or so projects. And I’m trying to save up to buy an engagement ring for the most wonderful girlfriend in the world, pay off my debts, pay off my student loans, and start a master’s degree; so I really don’t have money for new tools right now. And I would like to build a blunderbuss.

  186. domen Ožbot says:

    i’m an amateur filmmaker who can’t afford all of the gadgets he would like :) so i like to make things. And these drills would be perfect!

    regards, domen

  187. adam says:

    Custom bedside tables b/c the bed is at an angle, the push drill would be quite handy!

  188. Matt H says:

    As I’m in my mid-forties, I’ve actually acquired both of these tools already in the course of a move to hand-tools starting in my mid-twenties. One is a vintage (read “old”) Stanley Yankee drill, and mid-eighties-vintage cabinet screwdriver set. They’re wonderful tools.

    This post, therefore, is less about getting more of them than it is a paean to them.

    First, the Yankee drill. I do all kinds of woodwork – making Shaker-style furniture, lutherie, general house work, and more. Years ago, I realized that the size of my car was finite, and the tool collection, nearly infinite. So I started looking for ways to create a smallish general-purpose toolkit that would fit in a small canvas tool bag. The Yankee drill, and its counterpart, the small Yankee screwdriver, were just about the first things selected. They’re small, efficient, do their jobs superbly well, and don’t need to be plugged in. If you’ve got to drill a kajillion holes over the course of the day, the Yankee will do it, and you’ll get stronger arms & wrists into the bargain….and recharging is fun!

    Second, the heavy-duty screwdrivers. I like to use brass screws on my projects whenever possible – they’re softer than steel and so won’t damage the tip of screwdrivers, most of which are poorly heat-treated. These screwdrivers, by contrast, are properly hardened, making them perfect for rough work and steel screws. And they’re not prybars, despite their heft and strength. Whoever wins these should keep in mind that the edge of the screwdriver is actually machined pretty precisely; if you care for the milled and machined end, it’ll never round over and slip out of your screws. So take care of them, and you’ll have a set of lifetime tools.

  189. Terry says:

    These tools would come in handy for my sons and I. While building a tree house they have always wanted, plus they have always wanted there own tools, these would tools I would be pround to give to both of them. There are safe easy to use and would be a good starting point for them to learn and start making there own things.

    Thanks Big Daddy

  190. Mike Herbst says:

    My ongoing project is the collection and creation of beautiful tools.

    My hammer and tongs are hand-forged. My files are graven and scribed with various celtic or geometric designs. Heck, even the handle on my Pizza Peel is carved and engraved.

    Tools should be beautiful if you’re going to use them frequently. Currently my screwdrivers are molded yellow and black plastic and are ugly as sin, and yet they see more use than many of my beautiful tools.

    Help me Make magazine, you’re my only hope!

  191. says:

    At my recent wedding, my wife and I made custom wooden drink chits for the bar, i.e. wooden nickels, that we printed from a hand carved stamp of my own design. I’d love to use the hand drill (which is exactly like the one of my Father’s that I distinctly remember using for all of my young life in a woodworking family) to drill holes in them for hanging as Yule-tree decorations to give to all the guests from the wedding. People had to be coached into trading them or drinks because they wanted to keep the chits so badly that they’d rather pony up cash for booze. :)

  192. Leigh says:

    the tools look amazing. I would use these to convert an old wooden bench into shelves among other things.

  193. Aron Helser says:

    I’ve got an arduino and a motor shield and some gear motors, just waiting for an enclosure and mount made with these tools. Thanks!

  194. Adam S. says:

    I live in a condo, and have to ‘make do’ with my woodworking. Since I don’t have a garage to work in, noise level is a constant concern, and I have been working toward doing a lot of my ‘minor’ projects with hand tools. The push drill looks like it would make a nice addition to my toolbox for those hand-worked projects. (The last project I completed, the only power tool I used was a drill for pilot holes and screws.)

  195. tony says:

    The first project these tools will be used for is a large bookshelf/room divider I’m building to turn my studio apartment into more of a 1 bedroom.

    Eventually, these tools will belong to the co-op workspace/education center I’ve had as a vision for quite some time that I’m finally taking steps towards making happen. So these tools will be used by thousands of hands to complete millions of projects!

  196. Ted O'Brien says:

    Those are some gorgeous tools. Please include me in the giveaway contest!

  197. pafcoffee says:

    This push drill was a part of my childhood memories as my mother used it for everything. Hanging pictures, fixing chairs, hanging various creations my sister and I made.
    I have looked for this every where. Now I would like to have my own. This is the perfect tool for any woman. Something I
    I have learned the power of tools. The beauty of a well made tool. A craft fiend and making things such as boxes, frames, a chair and tackling a custom design cabinet, some times you just don’t need a 18 volt cordless drill. To have self contained storage for drill bits is genius! A good, simple, well designed tool will do the job any day.

  198. Mike says:

    I’ve hacked a 3D printer in my med school research lab so that I can print realistic human anatomy at submillimeter resolutions using radioactive materials. I’m using positron emission tomography images of these radiolabeled 3D printed human brains to improve the quantitative accuracy of medical imaging. This aught to lead to reduced time and cost in developing new medical treatments. Plus it’s got multiple wow factors: 3D printing, 3D medical imaging, antimatter (positrons) and extra brains on the shelf. I’m about to start making more mods to the printer, so sure could use some new tools…

  199. Joshua Barber says:

    My brother in law and I are planning on doing several wood-working projects for our wives such as dressers, bookshelves and coat racks. Either of these tools would be a great addition to our efforts!

  200. Mark says:

    I’m about to start building an RFID enabled kegerator to help raise money for the Baltimore Node Hackerspace. This badasserator as it should be called will allow us to hold parties that track how many drinks everyone has had and to chart the party in real-time. By putting an RFID tag on each glass given out and a RFID reader under the tap we will be able to register each glass poured to a unique partier. Why would i need a sweet push drill for this project? I need to run many small wires through the enclosure and a push drill sure would be handy to make the small holes needed so as to not damage the beautiful exterior. Also if I win everyone is invited to any party but that is also true if I don’t win. Just thought i would sweeten the deal a little bit.

  201. Stuey says:

    I’d likely use the push drill on various projects – intermediate woodworking, or on aluminum and plastic fabrication for my latest computer mod. You see, I do most of my work at night, in my apartment, and the push drill will help preserve my marriage. My wife gets rather annoyed when she’s trying to sleep and I HAVE to lightly drill a few last holes.

    As for those screwdrivers, I’d likely take them to work where I frequently use flathead drivers to adjust equipment settings.

  202. jimofoz says:

    I make wooden toy trucks and tractors and the push drill would come in real handy making the small holes and driving the small screws I use.

  203. BigJeff says:

    I just bought a rusty old 1937 Plymouth sedan to tow home. It will take a few years of work to scrape and grind off the rust, pry out old parts to make room for new ones, and make it into a sweet rat rod.

    The heavy duty steel on those screwdrivers looks like it can take the abuse of working on this project, and the wood handles will have a great patina in the end. I would love to have a set of those in my toolbox for this project. :)


  204. cosmo king says:

    As a live-aboard sailor on a crusty old 41-foot sailboat, both the push drill and the heavy duty screwdrivers would come in immensely handy. For the drill, there are innumerable nooks and crannies where one must form a contortionist’s pose in a confined space, upside down, with a flashlight in the teeth, to perform routine maintenance. A small hand powered drill like this would let me drill in tighter holes, and closer to corners than a power drill.
    I could also do so while at sea, without needing electricity.
    Drilling holes high in the mast always presents a challenge with a 50-foot power cord hanging below. When aloft you want as few distractions as possible. Also the weight and awkwardness of a power drill while in the bosun’s chair can be a problem.

    As for the screwdrivers they would make great use updating the boat’s woodwork, prying apart fittings from their bedding compound, and being banged into tons of chiseling situations. Working on the engine and electrics as well, a solid flathead screwdriver is a great friend.

    If I don’t win either of these toolsets, I will definitely buy both for the boat at earliest convenience!

  205. Troopcar says:


    My next project will be a makeover of my master bedroom, which will include the following:

    -new ceiling fixture
    -electrical outlets switched from two-prong to three-prong
    -update furniture hardware
    -new wall shelving

    I sure could use some nice new flat-head screwdrivers!

  206. loopy_cub says:

    I just ordered an Arduino Starter Kit, and plan to learn some serious Circuit Bending to build my own instruments and audio interfaces. I seriously want a set a VERY STYLISH tools to go along with my stylish ideas. Specifically: open up old quirky electronics to harvest buttons (I love buttons) and other salvage parts!

  207. futureneer says:

    I work on robots, and I am slowly building a set of vintage and vintage style tools. Those screwdrivers would be fantastic for the larger fastiners I have to use. I really enjoy the juxtaposition of using older tools on new, high tech components. For so much of those older tools, you just cant beat the quality. I have a pair of needle nose pliers by Utica that were made in the twenties, and I use them every day. Still precise as heck :D


  208. Yoseff Ben-Yehuda says:

    I will put them to good use assembly models and fashioning furniture for friends. Please please please.

  209. scott powers says:

    I am doing various woodworking projects, mostly boxes and shop accessories, however I am trying to do them completely without powertools. At this point the only power tool I am using is a drill, so obviously that is the next tool to get. And the screwdrivers are just cool.

  210. smiper says:

    I don’t have a specific project in mind, but I would be proud to own those screwdrivers. I’m 25 and just starting to build my life. I’d use them to maintain my first home, work on the first car I buy myself, and eventually, pass them on to my first born.

  211. Ifni says:

    My boyfriend and I are refurbishing an old arcade game cabinet, and those screwdrivers would be an awesome help!

  212. Yorick3 says:

    My father and I do a little wood working to put in some bonding time. A set of full tang screwdrivers would be a fantastic addition to our fledgling father and son tool collection. Our current project is an outdoor play center for my niece.

  213. htodd says:

    Who doesn’t need a Yankee drill, though?

  214. Benji says:

    I have fond memories of my grandfather using a push drill for a variety of his wood working endeavors. I think my attempts at woodcraft would be benefited from such an exquisite push drill.

  215. jcampbell007 says:

    I like to make things with my 9 year old, but power tools are still not appropriate; a Yankee drill on the other hand would be just the ticket!

  216. Treb says:

    I remember working in my uncles workshop and using the old pushdrill he had. To a small child it was like working with magic.

    Nowadays I work to keep the technology running in classrooms at a university. I am always trying to find tools that can get the job done without making all the noise of power tools. Both these items would once again be like having magic in my toolbag since they would allow for work to be done without interrupting instructors.

  217. Dylan says:

    These tools would help me with my 1972 AMC Gremlin that is both my project car and daily driver. I’m always in need of a good set of screwdrivers and my bit set just doesn’t cut it in most situations.

  218. Paul Cameron says:

    These tools would be great for putting the finishing touches on the desk in my new office.

  219. says:

    I would use the tools on my Harley Davidson as that is the most low tech thing in my life of tech and computers. So these high tech tools (yet very low tech as well) would make a great pair.

  220. wilcosound says:

    These’ll be a great help to me in keeping my VW SuperBeetle alive forever!

    Next up: add keyless entry!

  221. toaster4 says:

    the drills would come in very handy for making wooden enclosures for my electronics projects.

  222. Conor says:

    The push drill would be wonderful for pilot holes, but I’d be more excited about the gorgeous screwdrivers! The current project on my mind, maintaining a couple of Dartmouth’s formula student cars requires a surprising amount of prying for a delicate engineering design :)

  223. rob_p says:

    The hand drill would be good for some precision woodworking on a stand I have in mind

  224. Bob Kreckel says:

    The project I would like to use these on is a gun cabinet I’m making, but I also work in Maintenance in a factory. Most of the time I go to check out a job all I have is a driver and a wrench, I wonder how these would hold up in that situation

  225. Euan says:

    I’m making a rolling ball sculpture for the wall my daughters play area.

    The roller-coaster part is mostly welding/bolting, but making it personal with small embelishments (bronze etchings, wooden cut-outs of animals and their naes) is the tricky part – especially trying to getting in with smaller screwdrivers around the main sculture.

    A push screw-driver would be fantastic to help get through those tricky parts – and until this post I never through of one as a solution.

  226. Heidi says:

    The push drill would be a fantastic addition to the crafty toolbox! I would use it for carefully drilling holes into pendants, and for a number of mixed-media applications.

  227. Forrest Vess says:

    I am in the process of buying my first house right now and have a never ending list of projects coming up, these tools will prove to be invaluable to me.

  228. says:

    I’m converting my garage to a lab / workshop. I’d love to have the push drill to help me get everything in order and for future projects.

  229. Simon says:

    Both would be perfect additions to the tool box in the TARDIS I built (although the screwdrivers should really be more, errr, sonic)!

  230. evilgamer13 says:

    I have been helping my father work on a fifteen foot wooden boat that he purchased about two years ago. Now for a lot of the jobs this tool is small and under powered, but for a lot of other jobs it is just the tool because a the powered drills can be hard to get into tight spaces and have a tendency to break the smaller bits when the run in the many places that the wood has been patched with resin.


  231. walker says:

    I’ll poke a bitch through the eye.

  232. Mark Atwood says:

    At Burning Man this year, I saw an exhibition of “true mirrors”, that don’t reverse left and right. And immediately made a goal of building some myself, for my house and for my friends.

    I would use these tools in that project.

  233. Jack says:

    I’d love to have one of these push-drills to help as I build a new workspace. I’m moving across the country, and I’ll need to build a proper workbench and shelving for my electronic and mechanical components and test equipment. Having an elegant, useful tool like the Garrett Wade push-drill would save me time, and be a wonderful addition to my small collection of good tools.

  234. Mr_Alb says:

    Last time I built a deck in my backyard I used one of those push drills. A neighbor two doors down asked if he could use it after I was done. Little did I know that he’d not bother to return it until visited the old neighborhood after I’d been away for over 12 years. It was oh so broken and smooth as butter! I didn’t have the heart to take it back and told him he could keep it.

  235. Dako says:

    I love making and creating stuff, but most of the time I’ve been borrowing tools from my dad and other friends; even though I got some of the basic tools, this new tool set would be awesome to have, and would motivate to continue getting tools for my MAKER toolbox :D

  236. Charlie Sim says:

    These tools are essential to creating my time machine. Without them, it cannot be completed! Please help!

  237. Graham Marshall says:

    well I’m working on carving a deer antler fish hook and the precision of those hand tools would help a lot, a dremel is way to clumsy.

  238. papagun says:

    These exquisite tools exude style and finesse. The drill evokes power without wasting energy. The screwdrivers make you one with your project. Both tools are made with integrity and style. Simply, they fit the hand.

  239. Daniel Morgan says:

    I graduated from art school a couple years ago and have just recently started making enough money that I’ll be able to accumulate some tools.

    This would be great for working on painting supports or maybe even that bar topped Kegerator I have drawn up.


  240. Sarah says:

    Nothing fancy (though I want it to be pretty)-just a shelf with hooks for hanging stuff by our front door. The push drill would be the most useful. We only have a crappy corded drill, and I have fond memories of my dad’s push drill. He let me learn how to use it way before he’d let me touch the powered one!

    But, how can I compete with a TARDIS and time-machine?? I had no idea Makers were so advanced :(

  241. Andy Horning says:

    I’d thought of invoking pity with a story of a tragic disease or something, but I think the truth is better: My 10yo son Hark designed and is building a rocket launcher with a safety key, secondary activation switch, three switched launch circuits (for single or multiple launches) and a launch button, all with LEDs and resisters and solder and stuff. I’d be happy to send pictures. He needs a reward, but I’m too cheap.

  242. industrial-drainage says:

    These would really help make an enclosure for the arduinome I’m currently building.

  243. James says:

    I’m a poor college student in need of a set of tools.

  244. Leareth says:

    Well I am in the middle of constructing a pewter Art Deco Tea Cup set to go with the pewter Teapot I made my girlfriend last spring. Most of the power drills have to much oomph and end up chewing up the edges of the holes I drill, whereas a lovely push drill..

    Also I’m a computer tech while in school… I could always use another set of screwdrivers, particularly ones as lovely as those.

  245. says:

    I drill a lot of thin aluminum and brass sheet, I’d love to see how the push drill handles them.

  246. Doug McCaughan says:

    Actually, I would use these very cool tools to inspire my children to accept weekend challenges and build such wonders as pop pop boats. Tools like these could inspire another generation of makers!

  247. Tim says:

    I would use them to make a shadow box and display them over in it over my mantle. They are almost too pretty to use.

  248. Mousewrites says:

    We’re making Cigar Box Guitars, and these would not only help, but look and feel *so damn good* while doing it. :D

  249. cclampblues says:

    i am getting ready to produce my first diy pcbs. do you think the drill will cut through pcb boards? if so they would be handy.

    those flat head screwdrivers look like something that i could pass down to my grandkids… when i have some.


  250. Matt Terhlen says:

    A tool like this has a project of its own in mind.

    I would merely wield it.

  251. splinteredboard says:

    I’ve been working with the Boy Scouts in my area, for some time now, to teach them their Woodwork badge. I’ve found them many of the basic tools they need for their projects, and a push drill would definitely add to their collection in a positive way.

    Thanks for this opportunity!

  252. E.Jacob says:

    I am a student at the University of Tennessee Space Institute. I have been conducting research on my own using my living stipend. Unfortunately, (or fortunately) I have a love of tools and spend most of my living money on them. As a result, because I have a reasonable collection, I lend a lot of these tools to my fellow students to use on their projects.

    We have a lot of fun unique projects here. Wind power experiments, solar collectors, solid rocket tests, cold flow vortex shedding experiments, coil guns, and more. All of which are done on students budgets.

    So these tools would be added to our general pool and used for all sorts of exciting projects.

  253. TomMakesVideo says:

    I have a Yankee push drill that my grandfather got 60 years ago. I remember him using it when I was a wee pup, just about my only memory of him. I added it my toolbox when I moved out and it’s served me well the last 25 years on countless home repairs and, now, Make projects, but it’s got a stress fracture in the barrel. I’d love to hand my grandfather’s to my son for him to know him by, and to hand this Garret Wade one for his grandchildren to use.

  254. Wendy Gacparski says:

    First off, these Garrett Wade tools are just plane gorgeous! Your hand forged Extra Heavy Duty Screw Driver Set has a handsome heirloom look and quality, and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. As a full time production potter I often find it frustrating to find the right tool for a specific project or piece. The Garrett Wade Push Drill would be the perfect tool to use for making holes on leather hard and bisque clay pieces! Well done Garrett Wade!

  255. poolsk8r says:

    Those screw drivers are beautiful.

  256. Chuck says:

    I’ve been using the same cordless power drill for years, and the batteries are practically worthless. I have to leave one in the charger 24/7 or it will lose it’s charge in a few hours. I feel bad having to waste electricity like that, but I want the drill ready to use. My corded drill is a fine fill in but has seen better days. Besides there are some jobs that just aren’t practical to run 100 feet of extension cord to – working on a tree house for example.

    With one of these babies I could finish my workshop renovation with less electricity usage, and thow that old cordless out ( with appropriate recycling for the batteries of course!). Save me money, do good on the environment, win all around!

  257. Joel Smith says:

    Wow. I hadn’t thought about a Yankee drill in ages. That’s one of the first real tools my Dad let me use when I was a kid. I remember using it all kinds of little woodworking projects. Now I’m thinking how cool it would be to use one on my upcoming DIY backyard bike locker project. Some really handsome full tang screw drivers would be helpful, too ;-)

    In any case, thanks for reminding me of some very happy making memories.

  258. Richard K. says:

    Thats why you have to give them to me. They look sexy as hell.

  259. Greyghost99 says:

    Those screwdrivers would be great to help my Living History group maintain our rifles, pry lids off barrels and crates, and generally be very useful around camp. In a pinch, emergency tent pegs!

    And the rest of the time, they’d get a nice work out in my workshop.

  260. xenophod says:

    I’ll need some great tools to build and test my symbiotic robot.

    It’s like that Monster Eye, only it’s embedded in your arm. The blood that travels through your arm powers the unit using micro turbines so there is no need for batteries.

  261. willowbl00 says:

    I’m director of an emerging maker space in Seattle called Jigsaw Renaissance, and any and all tools we have in the space ease the transition between a creative thought and the action of creation.

  262. Laura Conover says:

    There’s that door that squeaks that needs fixin’. There’s the bathroom I need to re-do. There’s the between-the-studs shelving I’ve been needing to install.

    The only duty for which these wouldn’t be called upon,would be opening cans of paint. I have a paint-splattered old Craftsman flathead for that.

  263. Briana says:

    I don’t think I could use those screw drivers, I would rather hang them on the wall in a shadow box! I wish I got this entry in on time…..

  264. Tyler L says:

    Lolwin plzzzz

  265. Gareth Branwyn says:

    Comments eligible for the contest are now closed (as of noon Pacific), but feel free to continue talking about tools and the projects you’re working on/thinking of. This was a fascinating thread that I really enjoyed. Great to learn about all of the great projects you all are working on, or considering, hearing about your relationships with your tools, etc. Good stuff.

  266. matthew gilboy says:

    i am hoping to build a wood computer case. win?

  267. Jim says:

    My wife is very generous with my time. I am always glad to help others. The push drill would often be very useful for the projects I get volunteered for.

  268. T--Fr says:

    I have a great work bench built out of old cabinets that were replaced in a kitchen reno. Unfortunately, there isn’t an accessible power outlet anywhere near it. I have a couple extension cords running through my garage to compensate but they’re hazards.

    I mostly work on small wood projects related to electronics (most recently a box to hold a custom midi controller based on an arduino) and the push drill would be ideal for the lightweight materials and light duty work I do in my deficient garage.

  269. Marrz says:

    It is my intent to make my single room loft apartment in a historic building wind powered by making wind generators (like in volume 5 and makeTV) and placing them on a roof next to my apartment that can be accessed via a window.

    My over all plan is to use an arduino to switch heating/air conditioning power to batteries or outlet by monitoring battery voltage, I could go so far as to cut power use from the batteries in the event of a power outage to be able to manually ration.

    the drill in particular would be of great use when constructing the numerous generators by drilling precise holes for rivets. but I’m sure I can find many more uses for either tool

  270. says:

    man that drill set is gorgeous. i used to use my grand father’s push drill regularly to so finish work and carpentry, i can still feel the mechanical superiority over electric drills in my hand just thinking about it. if i had them now i would use them to build wooden cases for the electronic instruments i build. my friend and i are working on an open source modular rack which would create control data for midi. we hope to develop the kind of beautiful cases that have made moog/buchla famous, while retaining total openness of design from electronics to interfaces. being able to say that we built them largely without the extra battery power of an electric drill sure would be cool.

    tool lust. got me bad.

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  273. Diamond Saw Blade says:

    I think this is a  great-looking and great-functioning hand tool as well..Thanks for the information..This is exactly what i was looking for..

  274. Savorns Auto Repair & Body Shop In 94607 | Auto Repair San Francisco says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – When you release, the handle springs back, clearing the hole. From the product description: Remember the classic Yankee Push Drill that was once found in every shop and every jobsite tool bag? Made by Stanley for decades until they dropped it about 4 … […]

  275. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Brooklyn Ny 11235 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE … Formerly Becky was Senior Video Producer for MAKE. Becky lives in Brooklyn, NY and belongs to art groups Free Art & Technology (“release early … […]

  276. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Cameron Ny 14819 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE … Becky lives in Brooklyn, NY and belongs to art groups Free Art & Technology (“release early, often, and with rap music”) and Madagascar Institute … […]

  277. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Tyler Tx 75710 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  278. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From San Francisco Ca 94137 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  279. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Lee Center Ny 13363 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE … Becky lives in Brooklyn, NY and belongs to art groups Free Art & Technology (“release early, often, and with rap music”) and Madagascar Institute … […]

  280. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Mobile Al 36688 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  281. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Oakland Ca 94605 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  282. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Round Top Tx 78954 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  283. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Mobile Al 36633 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  284. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Mill Creek In 46365 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  285. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Cold Spring Ny 10516 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE … Becky lives in Brooklyn, NY and belongs to art groups Free Art & Technology (“release early, often, and with rap music”) and Madagascar Institute … […]

  286. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Reading Pa 19609 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  287. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Venice La 70091 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  288. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Cut Off La 70345 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  289. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Oakland Gardens Ny 11364 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE … Becky lives in Brooklyn, NY and belongs to art groups Free Art & Technology (“release early, often, and with rap music”) and Madagascar Institute … […]

  290. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Utica Ny 13503 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE … Becky lives in Brooklyn, NY and belongs to art groups Free Art & Technology (“release early, often, and with rap music”) and Madagascar Institute … […]

  291. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From New Pine Creek Or 97635 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  292. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Oakland Ia 51560 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  293. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Big Creek Ca 93605 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  294. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Tom Bean Tx 75489 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  295. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Hooks Tx 75561 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  296. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From San Francisco Ca 94158 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  297. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Walnut Springs Tx 76690 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – When you release, the handle springs back, clearing the hole … Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  298. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Bay City Or 97107 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  299. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Utica Pa 16362 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  300. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Duff Tn 37729 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  301. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Little River Al 36550 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  302. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Oakland Ca 94649 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  303. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Pacific City Or 97135 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  304. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Baltimore Oh 43105 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  305. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Lyons Oh 43533 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  306. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Plymouth Fl 32768 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  307. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Wood Pa 16694 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  308. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Reading Pa 19602 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  309. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Lee Me 04455 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  310. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Graham Tx 76450 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  311. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Arcade Ny 14009 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  312. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Kyle Tx 78640 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  313. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Stuart Ok 74570 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Ok, we admit it, we’re tool junkies … Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade screwdrivers that serve … […]

  314. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From San Francisco Ca 94125 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  315. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Chichester Ny 12416 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! | Make: DIY Projects, How … – Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! By Becky Stern; … Pingback: He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Utica Ny 13503 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015… […]

  316. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Oakland Tn 38060 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  317. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Flora La 71428 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  318. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Miami Tx 79059 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  319. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From O Brien Or 97534 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  320. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Connelly Ny 12417 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  321. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Walnut Creek Ca 94596 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  322. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Slick Ok 74071 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Ok, we admit it, we’re tool junkies … Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade screwdrivers that serve … […]

  323. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Pine Apple Al 36768 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  324. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Wing Al 36483 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  325. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Lyons Ny 14489 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

  326. He Is Horny For Tumbleweeds 2015 From Sale Creek Tn 37373 | How Bad Does He Want the Tumbleweeds in 2015? says:

    […] Garrett Wade tool giveaway time! – Now we have had it custom-made for Garrett Wade in Taiwan. Our own Sean Ragan describes the Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set (which he reviewed in MAKE, Volume 19) as “military-grade awesome:” These are full-tang, forged-steel, flat-blade … […]

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Becky Stern is a Content Creator at Autodesk/Instructables, and part time faculty at New York’s School of Visual Arts Products of Design grad program. Making and sharing are her two biggest passions, and she's created hundreds of free online DIY tutorials and videos, mostly about technology and its intersection with crafts. Find her @bekathwia on YouTube/Twitter/Instagram.

View more articles by Becky Stern


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