Becky Stern, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers

Latest from Becky Stern

Cyberpunk Spikes

Cyberpunk Spikes


3D-print these soft, flexible spikes and light them up with full-color programmable LEDs

Flora NeoGeo Watch

Flora NeoGeo Watch


Make a stylin’ LED timepiece with GPS navigation and compass modes built in.

Adafruit Resistor Helper

Adafruit Resistor Helper


Papercrafts at Adafruit! We’re excited to share this Resistor Helper you can download and make yourself. It’s the newest tool...

LED Robot Ornament

LED Robot Ornament


Crafting under pressure is irresistible. This year the Craftzine gals suggested an ornament swap– 12 days before Christmas. With a...

Publish a MAKE Video

Publish a MAKE Video


The following is a checklist of best practices for launching videos on MAKE, CRAFT, and Maker Faire.

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