JUNKies — A New Maker Show

Fun & Games

David Ye of Split Reaction (and who appears in the trailer in the flamethrower scene) sent in a link to this cool-looking show called JUNKies.

Long Island’s Jimmy’s Junk is the premiere junkyard for the subculture of high-end inventors, backyard builders and antique pickers constantly looking for missing parts to complete their passion projects. The team, led by Jimmy “The Junk Genius” Ruocco, will go to any lengths to construct new and inspired devices; with highlights including a hovercraft, a coffin car, a lawn mower racer and a flamethrower—all made from the finest discarded spare parts. These guys know the guts, bolts and science inside even the most unique machines. Crossing paths with a crazy cast of characters, they encounter everyone from inventors and students to mechanics and artists. This eclectic band of dumpster divers will redefine engineering on JUNKies on Thursday, August 18, at 10:00 PM (ET/PT).

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal nerdage.net

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