How-To: Mod a Point-and-Shoot for Infrared Photography - Make: How-To: Mod a Point-and-Shoot for Infrared Photography - Make:

How-To: Mod a Point-and-Shoot for Infrared Photography

Photography & Video
How-To: Mod a Point-and-Shoot for Infrared Photography

Digital camera sensors are typically sensitive to infrared light, but camera manufacturers install a infrared cut-off filter to block these wavelengths. If you have an old Canon point and shoot camera and want to try out infrared photography, Matthew Petroff has posted a guide to modding a Canon PowerShot SD400 for this technique. The process involves carefully disassembling the camera, removing the infrared cut-off filter and installing a visible light cut-off filter, which is simply a piece of fully exposed, developed color negative film. If seeing a camera in pieces makes you wince and you just want to take a look at the resulting photographs, here are a couple before & after shots Matthew took:

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Matt Richardson is a San Francisco-based creative technologist and Contributing Editor at MAKE. He’s the co-author of Getting Started with Raspberry Pi and the author of Getting Started with BeagleBone.

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