LED Scroller Counts Down to Maker Faire

LED Scroller Counts Down to Maker Faire

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As you may have noticed, the Call for Makers for Maker Faire Bay Area 2012 is now open, something we’re very excited about around these parts. Garrett Mace is also looking forward to Maker Faire, so he hooked up an old Betabrite scrolling LED sign to Seeeduino with his ChronoDot to display the amount of time until the gates swing open to the public. Of course, his code isn’t only for Maker Faire: you can use it to count down to anything you want with a scrolling LED sign like the Betabrite (which uses the same protocol as a lot of other scrolling LED signs). Nice work, Garrett! We’ll have to rig one up at MAKE headquarters! [via BuildLounge]


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Matt Richardson is a San Francisco-based creative technologist and Contributing Editor at MAKE. He’s the co-author of Getting Started with Raspberry Pi and the author of Getting Started with BeagleBone.

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