The Hunger Games Craft Roundup - Make: The Hunger Games Craft Roundup - Make:

The Hunger Games Craft Roundup

The Hunger Games Craft Roundup

I realize I’m one of the last folks to the game (pun intended) on this, but I finally read The Hunger Games this weekend. I finished it in less than 24 hours, and realized at last what all the hype is about. Of course, once I turned the last page, I was inspired by the story and my mind instantly raced with ideas of all kinds of things to make. I decided to check out what other Hunger Games fans have been making so far, and was not disappointed. Here’s a roundup of Hunger Games crafts. If you’ve made a Hunger Games craft, be sure to let me know in the comments.
Far and away, my favorite Hunger Games project I’ve seen so far is this stunning hand embroidered arena map from Craftster user, JennaDickes. The delicious texture and thoughtful details make my embroidery-obsessed heart throb.

I took some artistic license with the geography to make it fit pretty in the hoop, so it’s not quite canon but everything that happened in the book is represented inside.

Shylah Addante is a crocheting Hunger Games fan who has created several charts based on the books, including the District blanket shown above. She’s posted many of the charts through Ravelry, and also shares her work on DeviantArt.
Lizy B made these gorgeous Hunger Games cookies. On her blog, she shared some of the process for how she hand painted the Mocking Jays with food coloring. I’m in awe! It would be hard to eat a little piece of art.
I love how this knit Mocking Jay pin from Dawn at Chicks Who Give a Hoot tuned out. She’s got the pattern available on Ravelry as well.
The sponsor gifts that drifted down to tributes under silver parachutes were fascinating to me. I love how Flickr user, stringofviolets, captured them so simply in this hand-carved stamp.
How about a cross-stitched Mocking Jay bookmark to use while you’re reading … you guessed it … The Hunger Games. Get the chart for this one over on Forever Young Adult.

hunger games screenprint tutorial from m mb on Vimeo.

Also from Forever Young Adult is this fun tutorial for quick and easy screen printing using an embroidery hoop. If you don’t have time or supplies for screen printing, the Mocking Jay template they provide would also be great for freezer paper stenciling.
Check out the amazing artistry on these hand-painted shoes from Flickr user, Nanette Catigbe.
Craftster has hosted some Hunger Games swaps, and there’s even a Hunger Games Crafts site that is slowly being built up. If you’re looking to purchase some handmade Hunger Games pieces, Etsy will not let you down. I’m sure as the movie release date gets closer, we’ll see even more Hunger Games crafts. I look forward to seeing them!

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