rachelhobson, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers

Latest from rachelhobson

How-To: Princess Leia Robe

How-To: Princess Leia Robe


This DIY Princess Leia robe from Instructables user, scoochmaroo, looks like it comes together quickly and easily, thanks to using...

How-To: Retro Wood Wall Art

How-To: Retro Wood Wall Art


I’m always on the lookout for fun, retro-styled art to hang on the walls of our 1961 atomic ranch home,...

Crochet Angler Fish Pattern

Crochet Angler Fish Pattern


The angler fish is one of my favorite animals to see transformed in craft. We’ve featured many different angler fish...

How-To: Fused Plastic Bags Placemats

How-To: Fused Plastic Bags Placemats


Here’s another fun way to repurpose plastic grocery bags from Tiffany Threadgould of RePlayGround. Her fused plastic placemats are quick...

Fabulous Retro Library Posters

Fabulous Retro Library Posters


The design of this collection of 1960s library posters is positively delightful. Flickr user, Enokson, found them “while digging through...

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