Travel Bar Built Into a Vintage Suitcase - Make: Travel Bar Built Into a Vintage Suitcase - Make:

Travel Bar Built Into a Vintage Suitcase

Food & Beverage Workshop
Travel Bar Built Into a Vintage Suitcase

Carly DeGraeve, AKA Antibromide, has created a gorgeous travel bar inside of a vintage suitcase. It is practical and beautiful.

Starting with an old case, moving on to laser cut wood, hand-stitched leather drawer pulls, and tartan fabric lining, Carly built the case to carry the fixings and tools to create three very specific whiskey cocktails: a Whiskey Sour, a Manhattan, and an Old Fashioned.

Thanks to my mixological partner-in-crime Charlie Anderson for the tip. Check out build instructions for the Travel Bar.

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John Edgar Park likes to make things and tell people about it. He builds project for Adafruit Industries. You can find him at and twitter/IG @johnedgarpark

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