The Moving Toys Workshop - Make: The Moving Toys Workshop - Make:

The Moving Toys Workshop

The Moving Toys Workshop


Papercraft rules. Why? Because the material is so approachable and ubiquitous. You’ll get a chance to craft your own dynamic moving toy at The Moving Toys Workshop at Maker Faire Bay Area this year (May 18 & 19). The workshop was founded by installation artist Noga Elhassid in Los Angeles, and it was designed to teach kids basic physical phenomena and mechanical principles through play, with a focus on special education students.

comingtobayareamakerfaire_2013Noga says:

The Moving Toys Workshop demonstrates scientific principles through simple means, using playful teaching strategies effectively motivate the most challenged students to engage in hard work, acknowledge the value of failure and uncertainty along the learning process, and celebrate long-awaited achievements.

Can’t make it to the Faire this year? Noga shared with us two tutorials you can use to make your own moving toys.

Moving Toy Tutorials

Click on the image to download the PDF tutorial.

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Basic Toy

Screen Shot 2013-05-09 at 4.42.02 PM

Advanced Toy

5/18 UPDATE: Unfortunately, The Moving Toys Workshop will no longer be exhibiting at Maker Faire Bay Area 2013.

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"To oppose something is to maintain it." –Ursula Le Guin

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