A Spinning POV Hard Drive Platter Clock - Make: A Spinning POV Hard Drive Platter Clock - Make:

A Spinning POV Hard Drive Platter Clock

Arduino Science
A Spinning POV Hard Drive Platter Clock

Clocks made from repurposed materials seem to be a dime a dozen in maker circles these days. But this one made by Jason Hotchkiss has quite a bit of thought and effort put into it. He replaced the platter on a hard disk drive with a copper disk, and etched in letters. It’s backlit by an array of flashing LEDs.

The disk has a white strip on the backside that passes in front of a photosensor to gauge its rotational speed. On the back of the hard drive Jason has etched and soldered an Arduino to trigger the strobing LEDs, integrated is a brushless motor controller, and he put in a digital clock to give accurate timing.

Once the clock is spun up, it gives off a lovely green hue for all your timekeeping needs.

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In addition to being an online editor for MAKE Magazine, Michael Colombo works in fabrication, electronics, sound design, music production and performance (Yes. All that.) In the past he has also been a childrens' educator and entertainer, and holds a Masters degree from NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program.

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