Here’s some breaking news from the Manchester Raspberry Jam: Eben Upton, head of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, just revealed that as of the end of October, there are now two million Raspberry Pis out in the wild. In early 2013, the Raspberry Pi foundation sold its millionth unit through its official distributors and early last month they hit 1.75 million. Watch the video above (around the 26 minute mark) for the unofficial announcement and keep an eye out for more details to be announced on Monday. The announcement came during a question and answer session during the jam.
“We’ve mostly been busy on software this year. A lot of the work we do is software work,” said Eben in response to a question about hardware updates. “The reason we focus on software is that software improvements benefit– we just got past the two million mark. We were wondering when we’d get past the two million mark. It turns out, the end of October.” He went on to explain that the software improvements benefit the entire userbase, but did talk a little bit about his possible plans for hardware revisions such as power supply improvements and that they may “play around with the form factor a little bit.”