Roboexotica Celebrates its 15th Year - Make: Roboexotica Celebrates its 15th Year - Make:

Roboexotica Celebrates its 15th Year

Food & Beverage Robotics
Roboexotica Celebrates its 15th Year


I’m a big fan of cocktail robots and the number one destination for barbot enthusiasts is Roboexotica, a festival held every year in Vienna.

They’ll also be announcing the Annual Cocktail Robot Awards, which celebrate cool barbots with awards in eight different categories, including mixing and serving, as well as a 3D printed category.

The festival will take place this Dec. 5-8. If you’ll be in Vienna, don’t miss it…

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal

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