Reflow Oven That Signals When It's Done - Make: Reflow Oven That Signals When It's Done - Make:

Reflow Oven That Signals When It’s Done

Technology Workshop
Reflow Oven That Signals When It’s Done

Ray Wang’s reflow toaster oven is used to melt solder on surface mount projects. Ray, who demonstrated 2 OpenSprinkler at Bay Area Maker Faire, modified his oven with a temperature probe controlled by an Arduino Pro, as well as an automatic door opener and auto-activating fan to reduce cool-down time. Finally, when the reflow is complete, a 433Mhz RFID transmitted pings three wall warts — one turns on the fan, one turns off the oven, and one turns on a lamp in Ray’s workshop so he knows the job is done. [via DangPro]

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal

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