Lenore Edman is co-founder of Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories (EMSL), but she’s not evil, at least as far as I can tell. In fact, Lenore and her husband Windell Oskay have been at the heart of the maker movement for many years. They started EMSL as a place to document their DIY projects back in 2006, and they’ve been at it ever since. Lenore and Windell have been a welcome fixture at Maker Faire, and strong proponents of open source design. EMSL has also been mentoring a local FIRST robotics team.
Lenore and Windell offer many cool products for sale through EMSL, including the popular EggBot and WaterColorBot kits. The WaterColorBot was a collaboration with another great maker, Super-Awesome Sylvia.
Lenore actively blogs on the EMSL website. She recently posted this thoughtful article on how the community should best deal with mislabeled open source projects.
When not blogging or helping create new products for EMSL, Lenore enjoys sewing, bike riding, roasting and drinking coffee, and making interesting food. She does all this while, to quote her Twitter profile, “plotting world domination through open source hardware.” OK. Maybe she’s just a little evil, but in a good way.