"Eye of the Tiger" Played on a Hacked Dot Matrix Printer - Make: "Eye of the Tiger" Played on a Hacked Dot Matrix Printer - Make:

“Eye of the Tiger” Played on a Hacked Dot Matrix Printer

Just like in Rocky III, this old dot matrix printer certainly is a survivor as it belts out a stirring rendition of “Eye of the Tiger.” And just like Mickey (Rocky’s trainer) prepared him for the ring, this printer was modified to play midi files by vimeo user MIDIDesaster.

This old 24-pin dot matrix printer has been converted into a MIDI compatible sound generator. Up to 21 notes can be played simultaneously. It features up to 16 MIDI channels with individual volume and pitch. Key velocity for every note played is also implemented.

Take a look at the process of making it sing as it plays the Benny Hill Theme in the video below and read more about how MIDIDesaster accomplished this impressive feat here.

[via the creators project]

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes. http://www.andrewsalomone.com

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