Using a FormLabs Form 1 3D printer, artist Julien Maire has created a 3D-printed, truly 3D movie. And no need for those special 3D glasses, either.
The artist’s new film Men At Work uses stereolithography, an additive manufacturing that produces one layer at a time by curing photo-reactive resin with a laser. This film is composed of the 85 small 3D-printed figures (a man in different stages of digging a hole) that pass through a slide projector, to make the film, which is about a minute long. By using the 3D models, depth of field is created, and images are projected that truly look three dimensional. Maire is planning to make a longer film using this process, but for now, Men At Work can be played on an infinite loop since it starts with the man appearing and ends with him giving up his work and disappearing into the background.