Dollar Store Hack for Christmas: DIY Superhero Wall Clock - Make: Dollar Store Hack for Christmas: DIY Superhero Wall Clock - Make:

Dollar Store Hack for Christmas: DIY Superhero Wall Clock

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Dollar Store Hack for Christmas: DIY Superhero Wall Clock
Dollar Store clocks transformed into handmade masterpieces!
Dollar Store clocks transformed into handmade masterpieces!

With Christmas just around the corner, our collective minds are already contemplating what gifts we will battle the masses for after the Thanksgiving holiday.

While we know there are certain gifts we want to get for loved ones and friends that will require tolerating excessive mall crowds, cutthroat parking and a dedication to Zen patience even Buddha himself would struggle to master, there are ways to produce some amazing and desirable gifts without the need to relive Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Jingle All The Way.

Homemade gifts created with passion, detail and thought can translate into a deeper level of appreciation from the recipient than any mass-produced trinket could muster.

Many of you already know this fact and have given thoughtful handmade gifts during past holidays. But have you ever considered a dollar store item as the go-to medium to produce that handmade magic?

I’m not referring to those horrific dollar store toys made with flimsy plastic and designed to break after one use. I’m referring to items at your local dollar store that have a sustained useful purpose! Clocks, door hangers, cozies, plates and the like! Items people actually use for practical reasons.

Now what if we took those same items and tailored them to the people on your gift list?

As an example, let’s look at the common household wall clock.

Every household and apartment has at least one and it’s a practical item a person can use throughout the year. Beyond just telling the time, a plain wall clock on its own doesn’t say much. Now what if you have a comic book fan on your gift giving list who can use a new clock? What if you can make a wall clock featuring the exact superheroes your comic book loving friend adores?

It is at that last question where our creative journey begins! Taking a simple and practical item like a wall clock and making it into an amazing nerdtastic gift!

For less than $10 and ten minutes of your time, you can convert a plain dollar store wall clock into a superhero mosaic of awesome! Marvel superheroes, DC superheroes, The Walking Dead, Sailor Moon, Attack on Titan – whatever images you can create can be used to make a killer looking clock!

With some basic Photoshop skills, a printer, glossy paper and the clock, once completed, your friend or family member will think you paid mucho money for a gift that was tailored to his/her specific tastes! They will thank you and so will your wallet.

And there is no need to stop at superheroes! This ‘Dollar Store Hack’ technique can be used to make a clock based on anything. Any character, any design…anything you know the recipient likes!

There is no stopping a creative imagination and with the help of your local dollar store, your gift list will reflect a level of inexpensive personalized zeal that will make both Santa and Scrooge Disco together during Christmas morning!

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As a fanatic crafting fan, inventor, author and designer, I just enjoy making new things for the fun of it! I operate an award-winning how-to You Tube channel called The Homemade Game Guru to share my love of creation with people worldwide. Utilizing cardboard in grandiose ways is my specialty.

I also run an unique online design class to help anyone create a Personal Family Tree Board Game. You can sign up for that class here.

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