How-To: Twig and Ribbon Tree Ornament - Make: How-To: Twig and Ribbon Tree Ornament - Make:

How-To: Twig and Ribbon Tree Ornament

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How-To: Twig and Ribbon Tree Ornament


Looking for a relatively mess free craft to do with the kids? Try this wonderful twig and ribbon tree ornament from Fireflies and Mud Pies.

I love this craft for three reasons:

– You can take the kids on a nature walk to collect the perfect sticks to use, and it will make the ornament that much more meaningful.

– It gives small children an opportunity to practice fine motor skills by tying knots repeatedly.

– It’s a great way to use up short pieces of ribbon you may be hoarding. You could also do this with strips of fabric or felt. The raw edges will give your tree a rustic look.


Try experimenting with size, you might just find yourself with a whole ribbon tree forest!

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Maker Extraordinaire from Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario. Lover of all things CNC and handmade. @agawaffle

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