Transform a Quadcopter Into a Flying Millennium Falcon - Make: Transform a Quadcopter Into a Flying Millennium Falcon - Make:

Transform a Quadcopter Into a Flying Millennium Falcon

Craft & Design Drones Drones & Vehicles Technology
Transform a Quadcopter Into a Flying Millennium Falcon


A few months ago, the Star Wars references were strong about French quadcopter videos. Now, Olivier C has taken it literal. Olivier built a skin for his custom DIY “Prophecy 335” drone that transforms it into a Millenium Falcon clone.

The Prophecy 335 — so named because its rotor span is 335 millimeters and Olivier felt like calling it “Prophecy” — is a racing quad with a carbon fiber frame and first-person video setup, including a mount for a GoPro.


The Star Wars skin is made from polystyrene, and adds almost half a pound. It locks in to the quadcopter via the GoPro mount, and Olivier had to sacrifice the FPV rig for the sake of aesthetics. It also sacrifices speed and battery life, but come on — it’s totally worth it.

Aside from the four big holes to accommodate the props, it’s really quite accurate, even down to a glowing LED strip as the rear thruster. Olivier has detailed build instructions for both the Prophecy and the Falcon on his page.

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Nathan Hurst is an editor at Make. He loves anything having to do with science or bicycling. He tweets as @nathanbhurst.

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