Vocally Unlock Your Internet-Connected Door with “Open Sesame” - Make: Vocally Unlock Your Internet-Connected Door with “Open Sesame” - Make:

Vocally Unlock Your Internet-Connected Door with “Open Sesame”

Vocally Unlock Your Internet-Connected Door with “Open Sesame”


When Dheera Venkatraman was faced with the issue of not having enough magic in his life, he did what any reasonable person would do… start coding.. The result: He created a simple and an straightforward system that lets him say “Ok Google, open sesame” at any time when he is wearing his Android Wear, and immediately have one of his doors open for him.

His hack, shown in the video above is a good quick example of how to integrate Arduino and Android Wear to interact with things in the real world.

Screen Shot 2015-02-26 at 12.44.46 PM
Photo by Dheera Venkatraman

If you want to reproduce his work for that special door in your life, you will need a Arduino Uno, HC-05 Bluetooth module, and HS-311 servo. Once you have procured that, you can set up your Uno to work with the HC-O5 using the code located on his post. To get your Android Wear working, head over to his self identified “exceedingly bare bones” repo for the wear app on github.

If you manage to come up with other cool implementations for Arduino and Android Wear, be sure to show us in the comments, or drop us a line at editor@makezine.com.

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Jay was most recently doing about 10 different engineering things at Make:. He is an ex co founder at Generator Lab, which came out with a social search engine, NeedleHunt.com, and was a former Product Manager for FT.com.

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