Crochet This Game of Thrones Dragon Egg — Craft | Make: Crochet This Game of Thrones Dragon Egg — Craft | Make:

Crochet This Game of Thrones Dragon Egg Pattern

Craft & Design Yarncraft
Crochet This Game of Thrones Dragon Egg Pattern


Looking for an appropriately crafty project to keep your hands busy while you watch the next episode of Game of Thrones? Why not get started on these crocheted dragon eggs from Christine Advincula of Bad Mushroom!


Not only is this a great project for honing your crochet stitch skills, you can even convert the pattern into a snazzy bag. You could also show off your crafty ambition by adding some crocheted scales to a garment!

[via Reddit]

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes.

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