Constructing an actual Death Star of your own might not be in the cards unless you happen to be an intergalactic emperor. On the other hand, you could try your hand at one of these smaller replicas. From one very small Death Star to one that you could almost live in, check out these seven DIY Death Star builds!
12-Foot Inflatable Death Star
Though this is not the biggest ‘Star featured here (read on for one that dwarfs even this monster), our own Caleb Kraft decided to make his own out of a 12 foot beach ball. He shows how you can make your own in this Make: post. Posing in front of it with battling spacecraft is optional, but encouraged.
Death Star Ornament
Going from quite large to one of the smallest on the list is this Death Star Ornament. From the article, it looks like a harder build than one might initially expect, though the resulting precise graphics and LED-lighting look quite nice!
Death Star Piñata
If the Death Star is coming within range of your home planet, and your interstellar defenses aren’t quite up to snuff, what are you to do? If it happens to be made out of papier-mâché, you can just bash it in with a pool noodle lightsaber. As featured on Make:, this is a relatively simple build, outlined in an imgur album.
Death Star Vase
If you’d like something that looks really out of place, but really awesome at the same time, check out HomeMade Modern’s Death Star Vase how-to. It cleverly uses a mold meant to make Death Star-shaped ice cubes to form the concrete “moon.”
[via The Snug]
Death Star Clock
So why would you want a boring purplish clock, when you could have one shaped like a Death Star? Sure, you might not know if it’s 4:something or 5:something, but when you rule the galaxy with an iron fist, people will certainly adhere to EST (Empire Standard Time) without complaint!
Levitating Death Star
If you can’t have your space station floating around in space, this globe conversion will at least give the impression of flight. This instructables article shows you how to convert a “normal” levitating globe into something much more menacing.
Giant House Death Star
As reported in this Make: article, the 23′ geodesic sphere is the largest one that creator, Colby Powell, has heard of. Using 2000 feet of PVC pipe and covered with two parachutes, it could be the largest in existence, though I’d love to to see that conjecture proven wrong!