Join The Deconstruction, a Choose Your Own Adventure Style Hackathon - Make: Join The Deconstruction, a Choose Your Own Adventure Style Hackathon - Make:

Join The Deconstruction, a Choose Your Own Adventure Style Hackathon

Maker News
Join The Deconstruction, a Choose Your Own Adventure Style Hackathon

The Deconstruction is vague. It is meant to be that way. It is an event whose sole purpose is to bring people together to create something, anything, during the same 48 hours. Yup, make anything. A video, a song, a poem, a giant robot. Anything goes!

I’ve heard a few people say that they just don’t get it. “I make stuff all the time” or “why would I want to participate?” have bubbled to the tips of peoples tongues when the topic comes up. I think of it like this. I like to read. There is no reason I should enjoy reading in the same room as someone else, but I do. Making something, as part of a worldwide effort to share the experience is kind of beautiful. You want to participate, just to say that you did. Just to be a part of something that happened, with others, around the globe.


The theme for this year’s event is “Deconstruct America”. The Deconstruction runs October 14-16. You can register to participate here.

The last 5 minutes of the event are going to be capped off by something truly extraordinary this year. The crew is hoping to gather makers across America to build a country-wide Rube-Goldberg machine. This machine will be launched during the last 5 minutes.

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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at

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