Gareth Branwyn

Three test tubes and the truth. By Gareth BranwynPage 11
Three test tubes and the truth. By Gareth BranwynPage 11
Automation UPStart, bacteria battery, stone grinding.Page 12
Events from around the world.Page 15
Failure only happens when you give up. Page 17
The year of cheap robots. Page 27
Meet the Arduino Leonardo.Page 29
Real science happens everywhere.Page 36
Ariel Levi SimonsPage 38
Making research-grade equipment from repurposed parts. Page 42
Create high-voltage sparks from falling water.Page 45
A kitchen-table biotech company is born.Page 50
The evolution of Safecast’s bGeigie radiation logger. Page 52
Built for under $2,000. Page 56
Creating your very own cockroach cyborgs.Page 61
Make a solar-powered, magnetically levitating electric motor that turns photons into motion.Page 64
The creative explosion of Science Hack Day.Page 70
Lego bone-tissue maker, Chinese meat monitors, and more.Page 74
Surprisingly simple, these clear PVC pipe speakers are shining performers.Page 80
The classic toy, remade. It rockets up, then glides back down!Page 88
Build your own automatic tennis ball launcher for dogs.Page 98
Page 112
iPad music dock.Page 118
Arduino film processor.Page 123
Multicopters explained.Page 128
True mirror; auditory illusions.Page 134
Snapshots from the world of backyard technology.Page 18
Dan Krause’s home science museum.Page 30
DIYers team up to create cool rooms for disabled kids. Page 34
Page 111
Learn about the joy of making with this 15-foot backyard rocket.Page 144
Transform objects into sounds with the optical PunkPAC.Page 152
I like to pick things out of trash cans and reuse castaway items. Here, I repurpose the trash can itself...Page 155
Page 156
Ching Thing.Page 158
A classic drill, the latest in nail guns, a mom-and-pop shop, and the synthesizer experience.Page 162
Otto von Guericke and the Magdeburg hemispheres.Page 170
Breadboard bots.Page 172
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