Snuggler Baby Swaddle Pattern | Make: Snuggler Baby Swaddle Pattern | Make:

Snuggler Baby Swaddle Pattern

Craft & Design Yarncraft
Snuggler Baby Swaddle Pattern

Sew up this cute Snuggler swaddle pattern from Lotta Jansdotter. This pattern is featured in her book Simple Sewing for Baby: 24 Easy Projects for Newborns to Toddlers.

Swaddling is known to make babies feel safe like they are in the womb and helps them sleep better at night. You can sew this cute snuggler pattern up this weekend!

Update 4/7/10: We’ve updated the PDF with a tiled pattern that works for printing with standard-sized printer paper.

Download the Pattern PDF

(Right click to save PDF to your desktop. See PDF download directions.)

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