Dreamy Vintage Sewing Advertisements - Make: Dreamy Vintage Sewing Advertisements - Make:

Dreamy Vintage Sewing Advertisements

One of my all-time favorite blogs is Millie Motts, where I can browse dreamy vintage ads and other print material on an almost daily basis. There isn’t much content – just the scanned in ads from the 40s and 50s, and really that’s just about all you need. One of this week’s posts had me really swooning with vintage sewing thread, machine and fabric ads. I can’t get enough of them! There are more great images in the Millie Motts Flickr stream, too. One of the things I love best is that the images are scanned in high resolution so you can click on them and read the copy. What I would give to have been a copywriter back then! The words and phrases are priceless, matched only by the whimsical images. Dive in and enjoy!

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