Inspiration: Laser-Cut Leather - Make: Inspiration: Laser-Cut Leather - Make:

Inspiration: Laser-Cut Leather

CNC & Machining Craft & Design
Inspiration: Laser-Cut Leather
This wool hat with a laser-cut leather overlay is striking and unique. Made by Los Angeles-based Brianna Kenyon, who has a whole Etsy shop full of beautiful and interesting headwear.
This wool hat with a laser-cut leather overlay is striking and unique. Made by Los Angeles-based Brianna Kenyon.

Leather lends itself to the intricate design possibilities of a laser cutter, because it’s pliable enough to wear on the body, yet sturdy enough to hold its shape, even with large cutouts. I’ve collected a few of my favorite examples of laser-cut leather here.

Did you know that the average person can access laser cutters for their own projects? You don’t have to pay thousands of dollars for a laser cutting machine: you have other options, including learning to use one at your local hackerspace or using a laser-cutting service like Ponoko.


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"To oppose something is to maintain it." –Ursula Le Guin

Currently: NEO.LIFE Alum: Instructables and MAKE

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