Leaf Creatures - Make: Leaf Creatures - Make:

Leaf Creatures

Craft & Design Gardening

I’m finally accepting that it’s truly autumn, so I gasped with delight when I saw these amazing leaf creatures by Mortéza Esmaîli Sohi. They’re called “des feuilles tres, tres chouettes” which translates roughly as very, very cute leaves, which indeed they are. I’ve of course seen artwork made out of leaves and flowers before, but I find these particularly enchanting; I love the way the artist uses different leaf shapes as well as stages of dryness to add color and texture. I now look at the falling autumn leaves with a more creative eye! (Via Atelier pour Enfants, a great French blog about artwork for kids’ books, etc.)
How To: Hammered Leaf and Flower Prints
Amazing Cut Leaves Art
How To: Leaf Seating Card Display
How To: Reclaimed Leather Leaf Cuffs

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