Straw Wrapper Rose - Make: Straw Wrapper Rose - Make:

Straw Wrapper Rose

Paper Crafts

Jessica of How About Orange shared a picture of a sweet straw wrapper rose that came on her drink at a Thai restaurant. Determined to figure out how to make one herself, she’s started trying based on a ribbon flower video from Instructables, but wasn’t very successful, so she put a call out to her readers for help. And here’s where I love blogs and the craft community: the commenters chimed in with several options, and Filth Wizardry shared her tutorial for making crepe paper roses, the same technique which can be used for folding the straw wrapper! No go forth and make loads of tiny straw wrapper roses! (or, as one commenter mentioned, learn the skill so you can use it to entertain your kids at the restaurant table when they get squirmy!)

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