Tardis Cat Fort - Make: Tardis Cat Fort - Make:

Tardis Cat Fort

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Astromark created this beautiful half-scale Tardis for his very lucky kitty, Kaylee. I’m very impressed by how precise the copy is, and how hard he worked to ensure that all of the details were just right, from the sign on the door to the the lantern on top. Head over to Tardis Builder to see more photos of the building process! I think the Doctor would be proud.

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Haley Pierson-Cox from Red-Handled Scissors is a maker of crafts, a lover of cats, an avid swearing enthusiast, a cross-stitch book author, and a general purveyor of quirk. She's also sometimes an irritable cartoon named Tiny Cranky Haley. https://www.redhandledscissors.com

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