Homemade camera ultra-wide medium format camera - Make: Homemade camera ultra-wide medium format camera - Make:

Homemade camera ultra-wide medium format camera

Craft & Design

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Check out Zaphod Beeblebrox’s awesome homemade ultra-wide medium format camera (and the photos it takes!)… – “My home-made 6×9 super-wide camera. Rigid-body, 47mm f/5.6 Schneider MC Super-Angulon in a No. 0 shutter. With a Mamiya RB67 back…The helical focusing mount is made by Schneider – the distance scale is calibrated for the 47mm Super Angulons. You can buy the mount for some other lenses too. I scavanged the Graflock adapter and some other bits from an old American 6×9 rangefinder camera called Graflex XL. The rest I fabricated myself at a friend’s machine shop in Richmond. It was inspired by the Hasselblad SWC. To use, it is not as nice as the SWC, but I did some comparison shots, and most people who saw them thought that the SA is sharper than the 38 Biogon.” [via] – Link.

Camera projects, how-tos and mods – Link.

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