Book Giveaway: Button It Up by Susan Beal


Button It Up: 80 Amazing Vintage Button Projects by Susan Beal
West Coast Crafty’s Susan Beal has a new book out today, Button It Up: 80 Amazing Vintage Button Projects. If you are a lover of vintage buttons like me, this book is filled with projects to inspire you and keep you crafting. The variety of projects is fantastic — learn how to turn your buttons into necklaces, earrings, rings and embellish napkins, curtains, bags, and more. I love the the photos in the book and the detailed illustrations that take you through the steps of making the projects. Many of the projects in the book would be fantastic and easy gifts to make for friends and loved ones.
Here are just a few of my favorites:
Triple Dip Feedsack Necklace
Button Embellished Handbag
Check back here on Friday at Noon when this Loop-D-Loops curtain project will be available for download in our CRAFT Pattern Podcast.
We are giving away 2 copies of Button It Up to 2 lucky CRAFT readers! Just leave a comment in this post and tell us why you need this book! Please make sure you include your email address in the comment form field (won’t be published). All comments will be closed by 10am Wednesday, March 4th. The lucky winners will be announced on Thursday on the CRAFT blog. Good luck!
Join the Button It Up Flickr Group and share the projects you’ve made from this book!

276 thoughts on “Book Giveaway: Button It Up by Susan Beal

  1. Elizabeth says:

    My grandma made amazing things with buttons, hope I win!

  2. kathy says:

    Hope I win…

  3. Cassie P. says:

    I need to make curtains like the ones in the last picture. You have no idea how perfectly they will match with the rest of my decor. Plus I have some of the most beautiful buttons I have somehow collected over the years. I never thought about doing some sort of crafts project with them!
    Cassie P.

  4. Lorri says:

    This book looks great. Thanks for offering.

  5. Mel says:

    I have a jar of buttons I picked up at the thrift store, I could definitely use some ideas.
    I’d love to win this book…we’ve had some very bad news recently. A change of luck would be great!

  6. Leslie says:

    I have so many buttons I’ve collected through estate sales and old clothes. I desperately need new ideas and new uses for them! I hope I win!

  7. Alexandra Sartor says:

    I need to make that feedsack necklace!

  8. holly says:

    Because buttons are hypnotizing (just like the hypno-toad), that’s why I neeeeed this book! lol!

  9. Heather says:

    I need this book because I bought a gallon sized Ziploc bag full of buttons from the thrift store and I’m running out of ideas for all of them.

  10. kat says:

    Several years ago when I lived in rural Pennsylvania I bought an entire large paper box full of vintage buttons from a crazy old lady at an estate auction. Today, 5 years (and several moves) later, for all of my crafty-ness, I’ve only used maybe 1/1000th of the buttons.
    I think I might be able to find something to do with some of them in here!

  11. Cami Haveman says:

    Would love to make cute things with cute buttons. Always need ideas!!

  12. Rebecca says:

    I am working with the designer of my wedding dress to figure out how to use buttons instead of beads as the embellishment. I’d love this book.

  13. kaitlyn says:

    have jars of great buttons but have no idea what to do with them- that is why i need this book!!

  14. Valerie says:

    I need this book because over Xmas, my sister and I discovered a button bin in the bargain basement of a fabric store. We picked through and found a million and one buttons, lots of them matching, that I now need to find a use for!

  15. Carla says:

    I am obsessed with buttons right now. I need to make cute things. Thanks CRAFT for a great giveaway :)

  16. christine says:

    I have a pin on my jacket that proclaims “I’m a crafty motherf*****!” I’m trying to live up to that. I’ll take whatever help I can get.

  17. Stacy says:

    My grandmother recently passed away and before so left me her button collection. I’m looking for some ideas to help me incorporate her buttons into gifts for my family so this book would really help me do that.

  18. Lora says:

    I need this book because I have been compulsively buying buttons from thrift stores for the last 8 years, and I’m accumulating them at a faster rate than I can use them. I also always end up buying clothes/fabric to sew into new things, and this book looks like it has loads of cute projects that would use up both buttons and cloth!

  19. Anna says:

    I need this book because I bought these great green buttons at a flea market in NYC in 1990. I have moved them from New York to Los Angeles and back east to Philadelphia. I need to find out what to do with these buttons!

  20. Lisa says:

    I need this book because I have almost 400 pounds of vintage buttons taking up residence in my studio and they’re just a’beggin’ for new lives. Some new ideas would be fantastical.

  21. Katie says:

    I love buttons and have to hold back from buying them all the time so my collections don’t get out of hand, I would love this book!

  22. Anna-Karin says:

    I really do need something else but my books for school to read – and buttons are fun! :-D

  23. megruth says:

    I have a giant heart shaped box of buttons that I would love tips on.
    The necklace and that bag are fantastic! I’m excited already!

  24. says:

    me too!!! this book would be the great scape for all of my buttons!!!

  25. Jesselyn says:

    I need this book ’cause I just got a huge container of vintage buttons at the thrift store!

  26. junie12e says:

    I love buttons, but not for my eyes (sorry other mother). Thank you for the great book giveaway.

  27. Panya says:

    I never throw away buttons — I save all extra buttons that come with my new clothes, and I pick up any button I find. I also love browsing through the buttons at craft stores, thinking of all the projects I could make with such neat buttons.

  28. Camelama says:

    My mom made me a button necklace decades ago and I still get it out and marvel at the beauty. I’d love to make her something with all the buttons I’ve inherited from her, so I could really use this book!

  29. Amy T says:

    Wow, let me count the ways…
    First, I already HAVE a million buttons! What am I doing with them? NOTHING… yet! I keep all the buttons I don’t use when I repurpose clothes. I keep all of the “just in case” buttons that come with clothes, long after those garments are gone. My grandmother’s sewing kit that was left to me contains hundreds of orphaned buttons… buttons, buttons everywhere!
    Secondly, I have been trying to figure out cute, crafty things to incorporate into my upcoming wedding. I mentioned sewing buttons along the edges of my aisle runner. I’ll bet this book as a ton of other cutesy ideas to keep my button theme running….
    Finally, I love freebies, as we all do! *fingers crossed for this awesome giveaway*

  30. sonnie says:

    I need this book because I am a craft-a-holic and I dig this kind of stuff. :)

  31. says:

    These are such cute ideas! I can’t wait to see more out of the book and get crafting! :)

  32. sew funky says:

    Ohhh! I so want this book… :)
    I have a burgeoning button collection and need ideas of what to do with them so they don’t have to sit in the jars…

  33. Leslie says:

    When my grandma passed away a few years ago, my only request was for her button box, which I used to sort through regularly as a child. I’d love to finally do something with them!!

  34. jen says:

    We all need a book full of bright buttons and sunny pictures (especially those of us living in climes that refuse to welcome spring, or at least stop snowing). I probably don’t need it more than anyone else, I guess, but it would make my day and maybe I could, in turn, make somebody else’s.

  35. Karen says:

    You can never have too many craft books, plus like many of those who have posted, I have a growing collection of buttons. It’ll be great to do something fun and inventive with them :)

  36. Amy J says:

    What a gorgeous book….and what a just reward for someone who spent three hours sorting out her button box at the weekend when she should have been marking books!

  37. cdsedlar says:

    I received some beautiful vintage glass, metal, and just plain ol’ fun buttons from my grandmother. I would love this book to get creative ideas to use them and display them in unique ways. Thanks for the give away.

  38. arika says:

    I HEART buttons!!

  39. Miki B says:

    Oh man, I totally hoard my buttons! I keep them safe until I find the perfect project for them. This book looks like it some some really fun ideas to get me to stop hoarding them!

  40. shala_beads says:
    I love button projects! *crossed fingers*

  41. Catherine says:

    I need this book just because I do. Fabulous ideas for lots of crafty projects! Thanks for the giveaway!

  42. cdsedlar says:

    Thanks for the give away! I have some wonderful ol’ glass and just plain fun buttons that I need help getting creative with. I’d love to be able to display these in unique ways.

  43. becca says:

    I need this because I have some vintage buttons that are way too nice to just use on clothing. I need some ideas!

  44. Jessica says:

    I have buttons galore. I’d love to learn how to use rather than hoard them:)

  45. retroknit says:

    I have been rescuing buttons for years, but I can’t possibly knit enough sweaters to use all my awesome old buttons! Please pick me and save my fabulous button collection from collecting dust in obscurity. I promise I’ll make good use of this book!

  46. Thien-Kim says:

    So now I have use for all these cool vintage buttons I’ve been collecting. Many of them are from mom’s collection, still on the card. Others are from thrifting.
    I like that these are projects that will showcase them, especially ones where I don’t have enough for a entire garment.

  47. sarah lad. says:

    this book is awesome. i needs it.

  48. Teri Larsen says:

    I so love buttons! I have always loved digging through my mom’s collection of buttons she inherited from her grandmother. Now, they can be given new life – the ultimate in recycling!

  49. Tracy says:

    I just currently discovered my love of button jewelry and crafts this book is amazing!

  50. Stephanie Beatty says:

    I would love to have this book. I love finding new crafts and ideas that can be done using what I already have. (And I must make the red button necklace!)

  51. Katrin says:

    I just recently discovered my love for buttons and how many great buttons there are…. I also do have a lot of buttons, so it would be great to get the book to get even more ideas…

  52. Mindria says:

    It looks awesome and I have a huge rubbermaid full of buttons.

  53. Regina says:

    I have a huge collection–need some projects for them.

  54. Alissa says:

    I’d love to have the book for some new inspiration!!

  55. standing still says:

    This would be a perfect addition to the pounds of buttons I have squirrelled away …

  56. kcm says:

    This book looks so fun!

  57. librarycat513 says:

    I’m going to go check and see if my library has it right now and if not I’m going to suggest they buy a copy. It’s great to work at the library. :D

  58. Amy Zim says:

    I am leaving for Ghana with my husband and two children this summer for a two year teaching and service learning post. We would love to bring Susan’s book with us! (plus, I sent her the last of my Obama tattoos)
    Thanks, Amy

  59. betsyann says:

    I’ve been experimenting lately with buttons. I’d love to have this book!

  60. Dawn says:

    I have a box of tiny vintage buttons, wonder what I could make with them, hmm?

  61. Emory says:

    I have one of those plastic food barrels (the giant ones for snacks you get a places like Costco) full of buttons, and that’s not even all the ones I have! I’d love to get some ideas – and motivation – for what do with them.

  62. juleen says:

    My dear friend Jenny gave me a whole bag of awesome vintage vegetable ivory buttons for xmas and I’ve been dying to use them but lacking in inspiration. This book would certainly be the creative cure!

  63. maritess says:

    I love books especial with instructions on DIY projects. The preview you have on it makes me want one so badly. Great images!

  64. iheartcrafts says:

    Please include me in this great giveaway – I just started covering buttons with felt and fabric and would love to use this book for crafty inspiration!

  65. Jamie says:

    not for myself, but for my sister. She really loves buttons and has an enormous collection of them, but could use some inspiration/motivation is using them.
    She’s always considered me to be the crafty one, but I want her to know she can do it to.

  66. Anne says:

    My step-mom makes vintage button rings to sell at the hospital she works at. She raises money to help fund the educational activities for kids who are in the hospital for long-term care. This book would give her great alternatives to the ring projects, while still tapping into all of the great vintage buttons she’s accumulated! Help me, help her, help sick kids!

  67. Bethany says:

    I’d love to have this book for inspiration!

  68. Hayden says:

    Oh goodness. I started reading comments to get an idea of why people want the book, and now I feel a little bad even entering. And yet. Besides a pure out-and-out love of books (and enjoyment of Susan Beal), I want this book because I have “stash” buttons, and as a person who is committing to working from my stash while I try to live on a muchly-reduced-from-normal budget, this book would help me earn my thrifty stripes (especially being that it’s *free* and all). :)

  69. i am LILY..♥ says:

    Awesome giveaway! I’ve been buying a bunch of craft books and this would definitely complete my collection! + now I would have things to do with the million of buttons I have! :D

  70. Jenny says:

    I need to win this wicked cool book so I can review it on my blog at….and spread the button love!

  71. Catherine says:

    I have tons of buttons that I have picked up at estate sales and I need some more ideas on using them!

  72. Beth says:

    Wow! Buttons! I love buttons! I love to see buttons used in new and unique ways and I try to do this as often as possible. This would definitely give me new inspiration to continue creating! :)

  73. Susan Kelley says:

    I have two of my great-grandmothers’ button collections (wrestled from my brother, who used them for Boy Scout projects in the 80s) and I would love to use more of them to get to see them more often.

  74. Jessie says:

    sign me up, the book looks great!

  75. Sarah says:

    I am a button horder…please help me make a dent in my stash…

  76. krishnam says:

    I’ve seen many many vintages button that look awesome but never knew what to do with them…now i will know!! Pleaseee i’m in need of inspiratioooon! ;o)

  77. Gadgetgirlnz says:

    Buttons buttons buttons drool buttons buttons buttons button crafts buttons buttons vintage <3 buttonSbuttoNSbuttONSbutTONSbuTTONSbUTTONSBUTTONS!!!!!!!
    …….um, yeah. I kinda like buttons, you see. Enable me? Please? last Christmas I got out my candy-coloured vintage buttons and wired them all to the Christmas tree as decorations. So you see, Crafty Person Needs Button Book. Thankyou.

  78. krishnam says:

    somehow my previous post didn’t appear… so here again
    I’ve seen plenty of gorgeous vintage buttons but I never know what to do with them…now i would know with this great book….pick me! i need inspiratiooooon!!

  79. Katelyn says:


  80. Nali P. says:

    I have tons of buttons. Don’t know what to do with them. This book will be handy.

  81. D. Burgos says:

    As opposed to others who would merely like or enjoy this book, I actually REQUIRE this book to further justify my vintage-button buying habit. Currently they’re pinned to my wall like so many sad little faces, their two or four eyes staring out saying ‘we’d like to be useful again!”

  82. Curupisa says:

    I should have it …
    because I’m worth it!

  83. aimee says:

    I basically knit and have buttons. Buttons are those talismans you cannot part with. This is the best book.

  84. franzianne says:

    I have lots of vintage buttons hiding in boxes waiting to be repurposed into beautiful accessories.
    Please send me this book to help me liberate some buttons!

  85. miss lila says:

    why do i need this book?? i LOVE buttons, i have jars full in every color of the rainbow, and my partner and i were just laid off last week… this book would definitely brighten our dreary spirits right now!

  86. Lizabeth Rolfson says:

    Need. Button. Projects. I have a, ahem, thing for buttons! Would love this book! Thx. Lizabeth

  87. Emily S says:

    Those projects look amazing!!

  88. pinkpresent says: this book is unbelievably beautifull..cant wait to own it!! (either by winning or buying–one way or another it will be mine)

  89. Amanda Smith says:

    Over the past several years, work unpleasantness has sucked the craftiness out of me. Lately, I’ve been re-connecting with my artistic self and I need all the help I can get. Winning this book would mean the world to me.

  90. Christine's Curiosity says:

    I do not have a fear of buttons. Who knew that little bits of glass, plastic and shell could create the basis for such wonderful memories and emotions. The best of luck in the giveaway, and lets hope that this alone reminds us of the awesome power of buttons.

  91. Christine's Curiosity says:

    I do not have a fear of buttons. Who knew that little bits of glass, plastic and shell could create the basis for such wonderful memories and emotions. The best of luck in the giveaway, and lets hope that this alone reminds us of the awesome power of buttons.

  92. Inna says:

    I am totally coo-coo for buttons and recently bought several jars of super cute ones from a thrift store – now what do I do with all these buttons?
    This book is sent from heaven!

  93. stacy says:

    I have not one, not two, but 5 large button jars waiting for a purpose! This book is my calling to find projects to use them all up!

  94. Suzanne H. says:

    Buttons! Yay!

  95. Suzanne H. says:

    Buttons! Yay!

  96. Courtney says:

    I need this book because it would be the perfect reward for all the intensive studying and paperwriting I will be undertaking over the next month and a half, as I finish off another year of uni. A fact that unfortunately forces me to put my crafty impulses aside until the long awaited summer months. What better kind of crafts to undertake, than those with the simplist of materials – buttons!

  97. Dale Anne says:

    Looks like a FABULOUS book!!!

  98. kc says:

    I have a ton just waiting for new projects!

  99. kc says:

    who has the buttons? Me! and lots of them looking for new projects!

  100. corrieo says:

    My mother in law left me literally hundreds of vintage buttons – she saved buttons from all sorts of things in her sewing box, which I got when she passed away. I don’t knit enough sweaters to use them all, and need better ideas than “paste a button onto a box.”

  101. Samantha says:

    Recently, my hometown was hit by a rather large tornado. But this was not your average whirlwind. It was…
    This rare weather anomaly caused school closings, major traffic jams, and my house to be “buttoned-in.”
    The buttons have been safely removed from the city streets since the tornado, but now need to be recycled.
    This book is just the tool needed for such an immense project! Please help my fair city in our craft-tastic button recycling adventure!
    Many happy returns,
    The Masked Recycler

  102. Kelly says:

    I have a stash of buttons that are just sitting in my craft room because I have no idea what to do with them. I can’t just get rid of them because I know that someday I’ll find a use-perhaps this book is just the thing I need to get me button crafting with my stash.

  103. mellowbeing says:

    I love buttons a bit too much.. I’ve collected buttons from all over the place and now have an entire box stuffed with buttons which have been sorted by material and color. I *definitely* need ideas on what to do with all these buttons!

  104. CassH says:

    I love ALL buttons! I recently got a ziplock bag of vintage buttons so this book would be perfect for me!

  105. Sonja says:

    One can never have too many buttons, or button projects!

  106. Kim says:

    the projects look like a lot of fun!

  107. Kim says:

    I would love to have this book. The projects look like a lot of fun!

  108. Kate says:

    I need this book because I like buttons. And I like to make things. And I would greatly enjoy this book! Gracias!

  109. kc says:

    What a cute book!

  110. prpldy says:

    I need this book. I have quite a selection of vintage buttons… some really neat ones, but need to know what to do with them and I believe this book would help me.

  111. diana says:

    I have a 2 year old that keeps me very busy. It would be great to get this book to help with ideas to satisfy my need to craft

  112. christi says:

    i would really love to win this book not for myself, but for my good friend Katy- She has seriously THE biggest button collection i have ever seen! she has two big tackle boxes full of them, and most of them are colour co-ordinated into seperate bags! Katy is always on the look out for some amazing new crafts to do with her awesome buttons, and i would love LOVE to be able to give her this book!

  113. ninjanator says:

    I’d love to win this because I’ve incorporated buttons into every aspect of my life already (I wear buttons as jewellery, have sewn buttons onto my bags, clothes, and shoes, etc.) I need more innovative and ingenious ideas! Plus, I have a large button stash that needs to be used :)

  114. Kristi(e) says:

    I really enjoy buttons. I can’t exactly control my wallet from opening and pouring out money whenever I come across new buttons. It would be nice to have some inspiration on what to do with my beautiful button collection! :)

  115. Laurel says:

    I have all sorts of buttons, I need inspiration for what to do with them!

  116. nesa says:

    I would love to win this book! The book cover is showing the amazing ideas that can be applied using buttons. I am not so daring when it comes to buttons, hopefully this book will give me more bravery and inspiration. Thanks.

  117. nesa says:

    I would love to win this book! The book cover is showing the amazing ideas that can be applied using buttons. I am not so daring when it comes to buttons, hopefully this book will give me more bravery and inspiration. Thanks.

  118. Julie says:

    Because this looks like an amazing project waiting to happen.

  119. Tina SK says:

    I would love this adorable little book, and I really need it because all the imported US printed books we get in New Zealand I(where I live) are so expnsive that all I get to do is drool over them in Borders… The staff know my name and have a chair ready for me in the craft section of the store… ;) naaaaah!

  120. Gelsey Kurrasch says:

    I would love to have this book because I have inherited SO many buttons from my grandmother! More embellishment ideas would be fantastic! Thanks.

  121. Steph says:

    I would love to get this book because I have a ton of buttons and have no clue what to do with them. Also, my crafty book collection is seriously lacking because of my budget. A new book would be a great inspiration!

  122. crystal says:

    I love learning new crafts and button craft is new to me!! I would also love to make some stuff from my grandmas old buttons:)

  123. Regan Tomlin says:

    So with this book you have touched on my two latest obsessions….buttons, and the ADORABLE owl on the front cover! I have every digit crossed that you will pick me!

  124. melaylao says:

    I have a new apartment to decorate and would love to try some of the projects I’ve seen in this book

  125. Cindy Is Crafty says:

    I have had a love affair with buttons that goes way, way back.

  126. dawn in NL says:

    Please enter me for your draw. I have loads of buttons and would love some new ideas for using them.

  127. Jenny says:

    When I see crafts with buttons I just get all excited inside!!! I would absolutely love to have this wonderful book to explore many more uses for the vintage buttons I have!!! I hope I win!

  128. Tabitha says:

    I think I just made it! Yeah!

  129. astew says:

    This book looks like SO much fun! Pick me… Pick me! :)

  130. Camino Uribe says:

    I have an insane ammount of buttons, this would be the perfect book for me!

  131. Camino Uribe says:

    I have an insane ammount of button, this would be aperfect book for me!

  132. Becky says:

    I NEED this book because anywhere I go I think: “what would that purse look like with a handful of buttons?”
    I love buttons because of their versatility: decorative and practical!

  133. Joanna says:

    This book looks great! My grandma used to collect buttons, and as a result i have so many precious buttons that need a home…but i just haven’t found the right projects deserving of such meaningful pieces. This book would definitely help me figure that one out.

  134. oona b says:

    I would love to win Susan’s lovely button craft book because my six year old Ramona is obsessed with buttons and I need some new crafty ideas to keep her busy! Thanks!

  135. Michelle at Scribbit says:

    I loved her Bead Simple–this looks wonderful too!

  136. Amy says:

    I need it, I want it, I dodn’t know whether I am too late. But I have giant jars of buttons needing projects in my didning room, if that helps sway you!

  137. Colargolet says:

    This looks like a book I can really use! I have so many vintage buttons just waiting for the right project!

  138. melanie says:

    lovely! I need it because i’ve never really craft with buttons and want to learn how!

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