Crochet-Along: Fuzzy Panda Amigurumi - Make: Crochet-Along: Fuzzy Panda Amigurumi - Make:

Crochet-Along: Fuzzy Panda Amigurumi

Craft & Design Yarncraft


Lion Brand Yarn

Welcome to our first CRAFT Crochet-Along! This month, we hope you’ll join the fun as we learn to make this Fuzzy Panda Amigurumi from our friend Tamie Snow of Roxycraft. As you know, Tamie is also the author of Tiny Yarn Animals and created this Fuzzy Panda pattern just for us.
The first lesson with Tamie starts in exactly 1 week, on Tuesday, Sept 7th at Noon PST. Find out how to get the pattern and the list of materials after the jump!

Panda Materials


2 skeins Lion Brand Alpine Wool in Vanilla #099 Note: Tamie used only 1 skein but it was so close she recommends a back-up skein.
1 skein Lion Brand Wool-Ease Worsted Weight in Azalea Pink #195
6mm Crochet hook
4mm Crochet hook
1 pair of 18mm doll eyes
2 pair of 9mm doll eyes
for joints in the arms and legs of the panda
Colored doll eyes as used in this Fuzzy Panda Amigurumi can be found at,, and .


Download the Fuzzy Panda Amigurumi pattern in PDF format (Pattern updated 9/2 with diagram).
Join the CRAFT Crochet-Along Flickr Group to upload your photos and to join in on discussions. We’ll be hosting random giveaways to participants who upload photos in the Flickr group. You’ll be able to win a signed copy of Tamie’s book, Tiny Yarn Animals, Feltique by Brookelynn Morris, CRAFT T-shirts, and Lion Brand Yarn.
Craft Crochetalong
If you’re joining in the CAL, please leave a comment to this post and introduce yourself! Tell us your crochet skill level, your blog url, or anything you want! You’ll also want to grab this badge code to display your participation in the CAL on your site.
<a href=""><img src="" alt="CRAFT: Crochet-Along" width="150" height="140" border="0" /></a>
To brush up on your crochet skills, take a visit to Lion Brand Yarn’s Learning Center for Crochet.
Now, go get your supplies and see you in a week!

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