Schematics just look cooler in ASCII ... - Make: Schematics just look cooler in ASCII ... - Make:

Schematics just look cooler in ASCII …

  +10-15V          ___0,047R
         |      |       |  |         |    |       |
        ---     |       | .-.        |    |       |
  470uF ###     |       | | | 2k2    |    |       |
         | +    |       | | |        |    |       |
  X------o      '--.    | '-'       .-.   |       |
         |         |6   |7 |8    1k | |   |       |
        GND      .------------.     | |   |       |
                 |            |     '-'   |       |
                 |            |1     |  |/  BC    |
                 |            |------o--|   547   |
                 |            |      |  |>        |
                 |            |     .-.   |       |
                 |            | 220R| |   o----||-+  IRF9Z34
                 |            |     | |   |    ||->
                 |  MC34063   |     '-'   |    ||-+
                 |            |      |    |       |  BYV29     -12V6
                 |            |      '----'       o--|<-o----o--X OUT
                 |            |2                  |     |    |
                 |            |--|                C|    |    |
                 |            | GND          30uH C|    |   --- 470
                 |            |3      1nF         C|    |   ###  uF
                 |            |-------||--.       |     |    | +
                 '------------'           |      GND    |   GND
                      5|   4|             |             |
                       |    '-------------o-------------o
                       |                           ___  |
                                               |       1k0
                                              | | 5k6 + 3k3
                                              | | in Serie
by Wolfgang M.

Tired of exporting images from EAGLE/gEDA/etc just to share a circuit on forums or email? AACircuit (translation) offers some pretty solid functionality for creating ASCII text based schematics in Windows. Just be sure to share your results in a monospace font.

Sweet - think I'll go tweet me some RC filters.

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