Make a Secret Hollowed-out Book | Make: Make a Secret Hollowed-out Book | Make:

Make a Secret Hollowed-out Book

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Make a Secret Hollowed-out Book


I love hollowed out books. They make excellent hiding places or they can be used as unique and tricky double gift wrap. “Ah-ha, it’s a book wrapped up in a book!” I’ve built hollowed-out books before, using the time-honored, frustrating, and very time-consuming hobby-knife method. This time, I decided to speed things up (by hours!) using my Dremel Multi-Max oscillating tool.

Since this made cutting so much quicker, I was also more willing to cut multiple chambers inside the book. Use this method to build a hiding place for your electronics, jewelry, and secret plans for the midnight raid on the cookie jar. It could also be used to make a unique project box for one of your electronics builds.



An old hardcover book (I got mine at a thrift store for $2)
Secret items
Dremel Multi-Max oscillating tool with flush-cut wood blade
White glue
Small paintbrush
Hobby knife
Safety goggles

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John Edgar Park likes to make things and tell people about it. He builds project for Adafruit Industries. You can find him at and twitter/IG @johnedgarpark

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