Halloween Pirate Shipwreck Yard Display - Make: Halloween Pirate Shipwreck Yard Display - Make:

Halloween Pirate Shipwreck Yard Display

Craft & Design
Halloween Pirate Shipwreck Yard Display


Well, this incredible Halloween yard display, featuring a full-sized pirate ghost ship that seems to have collided with a house in Lorain, Ohio, certainly makes my timbers shiver. This impressive spectacle is the work of brothers Ricky and Tony Rodriguez, despite the apprehension of their mother, whose house they’ve magnificently transformed into a backdrop for the reveling of the pirate ship’s skeleton crew.


I love how seamlessly their elaborate display is incorporated into the house, it’s done so well that you can almost see it crashing through the house before your very eyes!

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes. http://www.andrewsalomone.com

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